
What reasons are left to vote for Hillary?

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Now that she has:

1) Mishandled her funding,

2) Lost her composure on national TV twice

3) Lost her cool and fired her campaign manager so close to the end

4) Lost the lead even though she was riding on Bill Clinton's name.

5) Spread misinformation in order to obtain a lead in New Hampshire.

6) VOTED FOR cluster ing Iraq, even though she said she was against the war.

7) VOTED FOR the war.

8) I can go on, but I want your reasons.




  1. Gee Gee’s opinion is way off; if she had the respect, the influence, and the ability to get things done she would have got her health bill passed. She has been trying for 15 years to get support for her health bill but can not get democrats or republicans to support her. She has been a part of the same group of politicians she claims has ruined America. Study her record and you will find nothing that supports her claims that she is for the low income families; she voted for the bankruptcy bill that has hurt the low income family. She is ready to garnish the wages of people who can not afford health care and force them to pay for a policy the government will select for them. She claims to have a lot of good ideas and opportunities for America but in the seven years she has been a Senator she has not brought any of them forward. She claims a lot of experience but experience without positive results means nothing. Experience that has led America into the problems we are facing is not what we want to send to the White House!

  2. All I can really think of is reasons none of these jokers should be where they are. Well said tho friend

  3. She is a woman, and the clothes she wears, come on we know half the population don't know a thing about politics.

  4. what is left are single women with no education who are voting for her.

  5. Main reason, she is a seasoned Washington veteran!  She knows how Washington works, what people have the greatest influence, who can make things happen & she is well liked in Washington circles.  A jr. Senator from IL knows none of these things & has no in with those who count in Washington.  Kerry only endorsed him to slap Edwards & who knows why Kennedy did other than he is a washout ready to retire(or should)!  She is the best person to get things done in our government, regardless of the past. She has learned a lot from the past, I'm darn sure of that!

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