
What reasons are there behind married women being unfaithful to their husband's?

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why do increasing number of women today have boyfriends while being married? Why can't they go with only one? Do they prefer to be insincere, unfaithful? then why got married in the first place? am looking for real reasons and how can we help women have a good life with one man as married couples




  1. You ask why women are being unfaithful to their husbands?  First, if you go back 20 years ago - statistically men were far more unfaithful to their women.  With that being said, why couldn't they stay monogamous?  Is it their ego/id or the desire to spread their seed?

    As far as women nowadays, their reasoning's are the same of the mans?  Women have the same needs men have.  They are out in the work force with other men that fulfill what is missing in their relationship.  

    Bottom line on cheating is something is missing in your relationship, and instead of putting forth the effort of fixing it, you  improvise and fill the voids elsewhere.  Once you cheat your marriage is doomed.  That is a conscious decision you make at the point of action.

  2. Some do it for the thrill others do it because their man isnt giving something they need like a shoulder to lean on and a ear to bend...

  3. i've never cheated but from what i've seen some woman need more excitement, the thrill of cheating... some are addicted to strange s*x, some need the extra attention and some are , well, just nasty.

  4. cant speak for all women........some husbands think that if thy are good providers and home every nite, that makes a good husband. the women take care of all the house hold duties, with little appreication form the spouse. get the kids where they need to be and some work outside the home on top of all that. women need to know that they are still beautiful & desired by her husband. not just at bed time, but all the time

    my man works 6 days a week, i know he is worn out at the end of his day, but guess what, i work 60 hours a week, take care of two teenagers, a husband an a house. my day starts at 5 am and doesnt end until at least 10 pm, never do i hear, i will cook dinner tonight, or can i help you.

    we dont have "date nights" because HE is too tired, or just doesnt want to go out.

    yet, i stay faithful after 20 years, to a man that shows little affection, unless he is horny!

  5. Same reasons that married men are unfaithful to their wives........ego, unhappy in marriage, revenge(payback for the other's infidelity), and some people seem incapable of being monogamous.

    IMO, if you can't be faithful, don't get married. period.

  6. Never had an affair, but have felt vulnerable when lack of attention is shown.  Also, lack of response to perpetual feelings causes much damage.  Finally, lack of affirmation causes the lady to think alot of compliments from other men.  I think these are the main reasons, but I still believe that patience is a virtue and cheating should never be an option to fix the temporary pain.

  7. People cheat from either boredom, neglect in the marriage, unhappiness or the need for constant reassurance they are attractive to other members of the opposite s*x.

  8. I've never had a boyfriend and a husband at the same time...  Heck, I never had two boyfriends at the same time.... I personally enjoy coming home to one man.... and only one man.

  9. I dont know as I never felt the need to cheat whilst married or in a relationship.

    People that do shouldnt get married. Ever.

    Some go looking for affection, attention and s*x, if they arent getting it at home, same reasons as men stray.

    But some people do it because they are selfish. You cant always stop it.

  10. I think the big problem for men and women is that they can't talk. People get together thinking that they can change the other person. Big news, You can't...

    You need to talk about everything, finances, jobs, kids, s*x etc.

    But most people can't even talk about the weather.

    So when things don't go their way and they want something more exciting they go and find someone else to do it with.

    It's not alright but sometimes that's all they  can do.

  11. The ones who cheat on their husband's probably don't get enough love and attention from him.

    Its love when they get married and then it falls apart.

  12. In my case my husband got a girl friend then asked for a divorce and then didn't get one, but proceeded to get gf after gf.  He would not remember our anniversary, or birthday.  He bought me a broom for Christmas (he had taken mine and used it in the garage and got it full of oil).  I put up with all of this because I have two sons and one is handicapped.

  13. Because they are not happy with the man they are with and are afraid to leave the relationship due to financial reasons, kids, and embarrassment of divorce.  They could also suffer from a mental illness.   Women engage another partner because they feel lonely and not emotinally connected to their husbands.  Usually the husband doesn't want to face that there is something wrong with the relationship.  Or the women is just a sociopath, who knows!  There are many reasons, but when this happens need to get to the root of the problem with couseling.  

  14. I guess women are unfaithful for the same reason men are. Because that's the way they are.

    Everyone who cheats has their reasons - some settled for a guy they don't really love and some just are drawn to the excitement of cheating. Some just do it because they can.

    If someone wants to cheat - man or woman - they will cheat. It won't matter how good you are to them or how special you try to make them feel. What is wrong inside them only they can fix.

    All you can do is protect yourself with the knowlege that if you are with someone who is cheating on someone else - they will cheat on you too.

  15. i have no idea what are you talking about..

    maybe men is unfathfull  to women and that swhy women started  doing that too..

    as a  business woman for myself.. and i deal with men  all the time. and I never cheated. ..  I like to flirting a bit .. and that's it..

    im always faithfaull to the one I married as long as im with him..

  16. Couple reasons...women go out every day in the work force and get all kinds of horn dogs after them...Eventually one will be successful. Second reason, there are less consequences of having an affair due to the pill. The divorce rate increased dramatically in the late sixties and seventies 'cause of women's liberation movement and society telling women to go out and work. Well... that pretty much destroyed many families. Take Care

  17. As a married woman, I have never cheated on my husband but he has cheated on me! I have thought about separating from him because I feel unappreciated and I have not gotten over his infidelity! Once we are legally separated I will begin seeing other people!

  18. I personally think that women look for emotional affairs more than men look for physical ones. If the other person makes them feel wanted, or smart, or s**y or whatever they enjoy that attention.

    Want to help women have happy lives? Don't treat them like a slave. Show appreciation. Help with the housework, help with the kids, communicate, don't demand things, let her know she is s**y, show her she is s**y, and well...there are more things but basically don't take each other for granted.  

  19. well because you get married you live with this man have his kids and clean him home etc doesnt mean women cheat because they just feel like it he may not pay attention to her sexually or mentally he may be mentally abusive or just plain a jerk so she will go else where to get what she needs to be cuddled told shes beautiful or just get a break from taking care of the kids

    did that help

  20. There are many reasons. All I can speak for though is what happened to me. I was married for about 6 years and had 2 kids. My husband worked long hours by his choice. I begged and pleaded with him to spend more time with his family. He was so focused on getting promoted not on the family. We hardly ever had s*x and when he came home he sat on the couch and went to bed early. I had an affair because I was so lonely and insecure. I gave it up after a few months. He found out years later and forgave me. To make a long story short he never got promoted we moved across country for his career and he had an affair about a year ago and we are working on make it work after 21 years of marriage. Affairs are never good and don't solve anything. Move on instead of hurting everyone involved

  21. lock them up, dont let them go to work, or if they do go to work let it be a place where there's only other women.

    Im sure if this has happened to you it was with someone that she worked with.

  22. I dont know, but when anyone cheats its because theyre selfish and then justify it by saying that theyre not getting what they need at home.  

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