
What reasons whould my womb walls be thickened?!

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i had a scan a few days ago to rule out a problem of iregular periods after 9months of trying for a baby and they sais i had polycystic ovaries! i understand that this can stop periods but last month i had a normally if not heavier period than what i have been. i am now due another period and the lady scanning said the walls of my womb were thick i just wonderd if this could be another period or weather or not it could mean that im pregnant?!!!!




  1. Dont listen to 'babyboy' there are some idiots on here!

    I too have PCOS and undergoing fertility treatment at the moment.  With PCOS some women have regular periods like me, every 31 ish days, some have irregular, some have them once in a blue moon, and some don't have them at all. Some times i experience heavy periods than the previous month, but normally mine are quite heavy for the first few days.

    The lining of the womb gets think before ovulation up to when your period is due, so if you 'do' ovulate then the embryo can implant itself.  If its not thick enough it won't implant.

    So you could be pregnant.

    Hope this answer helps.

  2. I never understand the women on here that ask us a question about something they were told in hospital by a doctor.......why do you not ask THEM what THEY mean when they are telling you this info, surely that would make more sense than asking unqualified people on here???

  3. I know the lining of your uterus does get thicker when you have endometriosis.  That is what endometriosis when the lining of the uterus thickens and doesn't shed like it should when it's time for your period.  I had a VERY mild case of it but mine was very painful.  They caught mine in time and done a D&C and removed it and then put me on med. to keep the lining of my uterus thined out.  I started the med in Jan. of 07 and Stopped it in october of 08.  Since I have stopped it I have had no pain what so ever so my doc. seems to think that when they done the D&C that took care of the endometriosis.  Now I'm 6 months into trying to conceive.  I hope this is helpful for you.  Good Luck!

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