
What recipes do you have for instant noodles?

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add with fishball?

add with chili sauce?

add with..??




  1. I add tobasco sauce, or spring onions.

    Corn tastes good too. I also mix a bit of cream / milk in the soup part of it.

    If you are a non vegetarian, you could add bits of chicken too.

  2. I add my own boiled egg, maybe some chopped spring onion and yeah...chilli sauce YUM! And maybe a drop of soy sauce or two...

  3. fishballs,crabstick,chye sim..

  4. add sauces which u like and which are handy with vegeatbles and chicken  or scrambled egg (Preferable) acc to u r taste.

  5. I usually put stuff in it,depending on flavour,if they are chicken i will put fresh chicken in.also i use them as part of a main meal,say with chicken drumsticks,i will use them as an alternative to potatoes  

  6. fry finely chopped vegs like carrot, cabbage, onion, beans, capsicum add salt to taste, chilli sauce, tomato sauce., little pepper, egg, fish or chicken or meat.

    add the above mixture to boiled noodles and serve with coriander leaves.

  7. my daughter adds tomato ketchup x*x

  8. for the sauce or soup, some ingredients would be chicken stock, soya sauce, sesame oil, pepper ...fishball, beancurd, prawn, grilled chicken.

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