
What recommend to help a person who was about to die??

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what recommend to a person who was about to die? This person fought with all their forces in the hospital, about some days, this person suffered, precisely because that fight was endure the pain, and even wished that all ended once and for all, he lost the love for live in those moments. And after passing the strongest and painful moment in which he was about to die, something miraculous happened, doctors did something through which the day after, this person began to recover .

Now, the life of this person seems normal but not, because he can´t forgett those moments he lived, and ask himsefl over and over again why he pass such thing, such pain, and why he not died that day. Sometimes he seems good but recently showed signs of psychological weakness, and told me about that. How should face life, this person ????????????????




  1. Tell your friend to pray to GOD in Jesus's name.  AMEN!

  2. It sounds like God is not yet finished with this person. He has some gift to leave behind to the living (and I dont mean material gift)

    You cannot answer this question with any accuracy and neither can I. This is an issue of faith.

  3. He should value every minute that he lives.  Live for the moment and dont waste time thinking about the past

  4. he definitely needs to seek psychological counseling. He has lots to get off of his chest.

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