
What records about you change when you change your name

by  |  earlier

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My mom says you get a new social security number and virtually a clean slate (like all your former schools, addresses, ect are all wiped out). Is that true?




  1. Your mother is incorrect. Your records are adjusted to reflect your new name and you do not get a new SSN.

  2. No, We took my father in law's last name instead of my husbands biological father, and we still have the same everything and the same amount of debt.  I wish there was a "do-over"


  3. I changed my name when I got married, and then 2 months later, my husband and I changed our last name again (long story). You don't get any "new" stuff. It's all the same old ssn and records, just with a different name. It is quite a pain to change everything, especially changing it twice within a few months. Really, you should get everything changed, such as SSN, bank acccounts, voter registration, license, and club memberships just to name a few. I have been lazy and have not changed my name on a few things since the second time I got my name changed....

    Sometimes you can do changes online and you don't have to go to the offices, but that isn't always the case. But it is worth checking just in case.

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