
What reform are the Republicans talking about?

by Guest10921  |  earlier

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How exactly are McCain and Palin going to shake up Washington? Haven't the Republicans been in charge for most of the last eight years? What policies are they proposing to change exactly? What has McCain been advocating that he has somehow been prevented from accomplishing, and that he will be able to accomplish as president? Was there an issue that he and George Bush disagreed about, and I missed it somehow?




  1. what is obama's plan?  he has none.

  2. Excellent question!  What's up is a tactic:  say you are a maverick and a reformer with no basis is the real world and hope the weak minded will take the bait.  Similar Republican lies got Bush elected twice and look at the dismall mess that made of the country.  God willing they won't get away with it this time.  I'm pretty sure the Republican era is at an end thanks to their own incompetence and criminality.  They came so close to their one and only true goal - making abortion illegal by taking over the supreme court.

  3. If you noticed, the Dems had the majority and the Speaker of the House is a Democrat.

    Re:  Additional Details: The Dems really should grow a pair. What a bunch of pansies! Look how Bill Clinton beat Newt and his Pre-Neocons!

  4. Over spending.

  5. They havent sifened enough oil money (they are going to shake up a new record)

  6. This has to be the worst case The Republicans have made since Jimmy Carter, maybe thats why he won.

  7. THe democrats are in charge of congress- and more corrupt than ever. '

    The reform is about getting lobbyists of both parties out of washington- breaking up the old boys networks, and getting honest people of both parties to work together.

    McCain disagreed with bush on many, many things:

    McCain wanted the surge much sooner, for one- and if McCain had been listened to by rummy and bush- the iraq war would be over now instead of over in 2010 like it will be.

    just one example

  8. They have no idea!

  9. Agreed. They haven't really outlined how things will be any different.  

  10. All Republicans and Democrats are politicians..AL full of bull!!!

    Reform is just empty usual.

  11. lower taxes, less government, more independent nation, not have to rely on our enemies for gas, local drilling, cheaper gas, more employment opportunities, cheaper healthcare. have you been watching anything other than left wing msnbc? mccain has been putting the most effort to separate himself from Bush.  

  12. To lift the ban on drilling so we can have cheaper gas.  The liberals are the ones driving up the price with their feeble attempt to "save the planet"

  13. He and W disagreed many many times.  Turn off MSNBC and do your own due diligence.

  14. they're so pathetic, they go after character not issues  

  15. Going back to more of the contract with America. Small government, using the veto and not always the parties line.

    They are more going away from the neocon movement and more towards Reagan conservatism. Not using religion as a way to divide people.

  16. Don't forget, Bush assumed McCain's position on Iraq after letting Rumsfeld go, not the other way around. Obama is a little slower on the uptake, but he ultimately took McCain's position too, the day he quietly took the "why the surge won't work" page down from his web site.

    If you elect the most inexperienced candidate in over 100 years, he will just be a rubber stamp for the worst Congress in the history of our country, saddling America with poor legislation for the next several years!

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