
What reforms do you think should be introduced to the UN system to work effectively?

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What reforms do you think should be introduced to the UN system to work effectively?




  1. The first would concern UN Peace Keeping Missions authorized by the UN Security Council under Chapter Six of the UN Charter. The language in the resolution should be changed to signal one clear thing to the belligerent parties. If any of the member of the peacekeeping mission is attacked by any of the forces of the belligerent parties, then the entrie mission will be automatically upgraded to a Peace Enforcement Mission under Chapter Seven of the UN Charter and the military commander of the mission will be able to carry out any needed steps to restore the peace.

    There also needs to be significant paring of the human resources in some of the specialized agencies like UNESCO and others. The same for the Secretariat.

  2. Total abolishment.

  3. Disband it and all will be well.

  4. The U.N. has shown itself to be a corrupt, scandal plagued, impotent organization, has a hankering and dependency for monetary and material demands from the U.S. while at the same time it has become a forum to bash the people of the U.S.A. (not just Pres. Bush) Most of the member countries want our money,  and other assistance but they are continuously disrespecting and dishonoring the U.S.A. right here in our land. Most members have abused their diplomatic privileges perhaps because they see Americans as a pushover and a paper tiger, thanks to our politicians! Many  countries call the U.S. as the "GREAT SATAN" and want to destroy us and yet these same countries accept our foreign. This is the "Mother-of-All Hypocrisies", I mean these countries hate the "GREAT SATAN, the U.S.A., but they "with great "LUST AND GREED" accept our money and other forms of assistance.

    No other country in the world has provided a "ming-boggling" amount of foreign aid, the hard earned tax dollars of the American people, to so many countries on this planet, continuously for so long a time, inspite of the fact that many want to KILL AMERICANS. The U.S. is not a perfect nation BUT look at most other countries particularly the ones who are so vocal about our destruction. As an example, when tsunamis caused so much death and destruction in Indonesia  and other places, the U.S. was there to help "big-time"and very fast. Where were the rest of the U.N., particularly the OIL-RICH Middle Eastern countries, the Muslim brothers and sisters of Indonesia???.  And yet, this is true in the past and in the present, the U.S.A has helped so many countries, so very much, for so long. Does anyone know if there is any country that tops the U.S. in foreign-aid?

    Let us not forget that part of these hard earned foreign-aid tax dollars have been earned also by the blood, sweat and tears, of our troops past and present, and many have lost their lives and many at this very moment are risking their lives to help others. I say, enough is enough, suspend foreign aid and re-evaluate how best we can send our fair share of help to others in the world. We Americans, should not bear the brunt of helping others particularly when it comes to the loss of so many American lives. Most of our leaders, Democrats, as well as Republicans are so incompetent in foreign policy, not only in the present, but for decades past.

    One step in the right direction is for the U.S. to get out of the (Dis-)UNITED NATIONS AND SEND THE REST OF THESE "NO-COUNT VARMINTS" and "PARASITES" and "HYPOCRITES", PACKING WITH A BOOT IN THE REAR. Our Allies of course, are not included.


    a really fed up Naturalized American Citizen. Been here since Summer OF 1964 and went straight to Boot Camp to serve in the U.S. Military. Am 65 now, and in excellent health. Willing to serve again if necessary. AMERICA, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!!! TOO BAD TO THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE WHAT IV'E WRITTEN HERE!!!! I AM EXERCISING MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH, COMPRENDE??? SOMETHING MANY U.N. MEMBER COUNTRIES WILL NOT ALLOW!!!!

  5. well how about total dismantling it and starting over only acception nations that are not dictatorships or guilty of human rights violations? Oh yea that won't work, as then there would hardly be any nations represented there.

    How about going back to way things used to be? wars after all are being perpetuated to get people to see a need for a united nations. And stop helping the globalists war against nations who still own their own resources. War is about resource acquisition, not self defense. They fought the war against Germany because britian was in hock to the internation bankers and they only get paid by winners. IF it wasn't for the debt then britian would be speaking german. The ones controling the us military is the internation bankers, the government itself has lost it along time ago being so heavily in debt to the bankers. any attempts to dismantle the illegal fed reserve system is met with horrible unspeakable tragedies. think john f kennedy. think lincoln.

    the lusitana was set up as pretext of war.


  6. They should move the HQ to China.

  7. We've all sat around and watched leaders fumble the ball and do business behind closed doors for too long.  The research in Emotional Intelligence, intuition, neuro biology and just about every field now shows that with the paradigm or mind shift, people will and are getting more involved.  We need to get our confidence and power back.  The UN needs to broadcast their doings on satellite, allow citizens of the world to vote and confront both the UN, leaders of nations, and leaders of various factions in public and before the world.  Nothing less will do or should be entertained.

  8. I think that the nations of the world have not quite figured out how to harness the potential power of this organization. Where else can nations come together to work out their differences and find political solutions rather than war. For too long the mission of the UN has been corrupted by very powerful interests trying to assert their political will on the rest of the world.

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