
What religion are most Egyptians?

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...and what type of arabic do they mostly speak?




  1. 80% are Muslim 20% are Christians With more than 95% of whom belong to the native Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. Other native Egyptian Christians are adherents of the Coptic Catholic Church, the Coptic Evangelical Church and various Coptic Protestant denominations. Non-native Christian communities are largely found in the urban regions of Alexandria and Cairo, and are members of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria, the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Maronite Church, the Armenian Catholic Church, the Chaldean Catholic Church, the Syriac Catholic Church, or the Syriac Orthodox Church.

    There is also a small Community of Jews and Baha'i,

    Egyptians speak Arabic with an Egyptian Dialect and it is the most widely understood dialect in the Arabic

  2. Muslim, what type of Arabic???

  3. 87% of the population are Moslem.

    13% are Christian .

    the Christians are mostly Copts , ie , Orthodox .

    some are Catholic , and some are Anglecan.

    the language spoken is Egyptian Arabic .

    the wriiten Arabic is formal Arabic which is very much like the language used in the Arab world .

  4. 1.most Egyptians are muslims

    2.they speak Egyptian arabic

  5. Muslim

  6. Muslem

  7. i think mostly muslims idk

  8. Most are muslims....I think about 90 percent .....Most of the non-Muslims in Egypt are Christians. There is also a small percent of Jews.

  9. most of them are sunni muslims

    they speak egyptian arabic. it's the second most spoken arabic dialect.

  10. Most of Egyptians are Muslims.

    With a respected minority of Christians and Jews.

  11. the majority are Muslims, (according to the most official statistics -that was confirmed by the UN- they form about 93%)

    then Coptic Christians (7%)

    other religious groups are (Catholics, Protestants, Jewish -very few)

    how ever it has been so long time since those statistics and some claim that Christians are much more than 7%. but remains just speculations which were released by some officials and were not based on a real statistical survey, they were actually aimed to serve some political reasons.

  12. muslims

    they speak arabic with an egyptian accent

  13. Muslim .. Egyptian accent

  14. Muslim. The Middle East is mostly muslim.

  15. arabic and we speak arabic with an egyptian/arabic accent egyptians can understand over countries that speak arabic like Lebanon,jordan,Saudi Arabia but they all have a different accent like americans and the British and the Australians they all speak english but in a different accent..

  16. Muslims not sure about what types of arabic  

  17. most egyptians are muslims, about 90% or more, and most are sunni muslims. about 10% are coptic orthodox.

    the spoken language is egyptian arabic. very beautiful language. you can hear it here:

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