
What religion do the Germans follow?

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I.E Alot of Irish Republicans are Catholic, what religion do alot of Germans follow?




  1. all is wrong, main religion ist christianity, und break offs from that.  nein catholic nein SOCIALISM! nein atheism!

  2. Of those who are religious, in the north they are mainly Lutheran, and in the south they are Catholic.

    Like most western countries though they are mainly non-religious. There is also a sizeable Turkish minority, many of whom are Muslim.

  3. On the record the majority belongs to one of the Christian religions, but I think the religion that's actually lived by most is atheism/agnosticism or humanism. Religion doesn't play a big part in the daily lives of most Germans, I'd say.

  4. Here you can get informations:

  5. Socialism.  Far left socialism.

  6. Okay, Philip gave you the stats, and I saw a lot of low-rated answers which I didn't open, so now here's something from a born and baptized catholic and now atheist with a Christian background, from the most religious and conservative-catholic state of Germany, Bavaria:

    I travelled many a city in Germany, lived and worked in some of them, and religion doesn't play a role in everyday life. There are people who really believe in Christ, eternal life after death, and all that, and attend church every Sunday. But they just won't tell you in everday life. They're not missionaries. Germany is a Christian nation, divided (if you can say that) into Roman Catholics and (mostly Lutheranian) Protestants.

    Then there's the muslim population. I lived and worked in Berlin, the German capital, for seven years, and some of my friends are Muslims. But none of them is a strong believer. They attend a mosque when societal rules demand it, just like I attend church on christmas or on the anniversary of my grandma's death, as catholic societal rules demand it. It's all about getting seen by the community and show you're there and take care.

    So in my humble opinion, I think most Germans follow "good ethics" and a rule of decent behavior, and care little about religion.

    And if you delve a bit deeper into north-Irish history, you'll find that the struggle isn't about religion at all. It's a story of a 400-year occupation. That's why I'm currently interested in the history of the British Isles. Should have been twenty years ago, when my English teacher at school first told me about it and taught us some Gaelic; but I think I was too young then.

  7. ...majority is  catholic...minority evangelic

    and then there are the immigrants from all over the world

  8. In the south there are a lot of Catholics, but I havee noticed that in the North more people are Agnostic or just don't attend church. Part of the issue in Germany is that you hav3e to pay a "Church tax" which is pretty pricey every year - this is in addition to any collection plate money you want to give.

  9. They follow them all and waste their time in so doing.

  10. most likely athesit/agnostics, but its such a diverse place you cant really pin one religion.

  11. There are many churches in Germany, and I would say that most people are Catholics or 'Evangelisch'.  Many from these groups of people believe enough to have their kids baptized at birth and 'confirmed' when they are teenagers, but that's as far as it goes for many Germans.

  12. In general, Germany has a christian background. They have catholics and prostestants.

    Myself, I'm humanistic. Many Germans left church and believe in science (which is actually no believe but proof).

  13. atheism

    the churches are always empty. it is not like in the US.

  14. Like any country Germans are diverse in their religious  belief.  If you had to pick one has the predominate religion I would say Lutheran.

  15. Christianity is the largest religious denomination in Germany with 53 million adherents (62%).[45] The second largest religion is Islam with 3.3 million adherents (4%) followed by Buddhism and Judaism, both with around 200,000 adherents (ca. 0.25%). Hinduism has some 90,000 adherents (0.1%). All other religious communities in Germany have fewer than 50,000 (or less than 0.05%) adherents. About 24.4 million Germans (29.6%) have no religion.

    Protestantism is concentrated in the north and east and Roman Catholicism is concentrated in the south and west. Both denominations comprise about 31% of the population each. The current Pope, Benedict XVI, was born in Bavaria. Non-religious people, including atheists and agnostics amount to 29.6% of the population

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