
What religion is hillary clinton?

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What religion is hillary clinton?




  1. devil worshiper.

  2. ex-Mormon since 1978, and currently an active Methodist.

  3. She is a Methodist

  4. Clintonism. A religion that believes all americans are ignorant fools and without the guidance and wisdom of a clinton you may amount to more. Clintons forbid. A religon that thrives with the following of the dregs of society of amarica. more wellfare more programs for the lazy more of hard working folks tax dollers supporting the scum of america ,larger government to take away our rights and dictate our lives. A religion that embraces anarchy and chaos.  In short Clintonism is BAD RELIGION

  5. Religion: Christian (United Methodist)

  6. Do as I say, not as I do. That is her religion and she practices it every time she opens her mouth.

  7. Got to ask 'Dirty Harry'.

  8. Politician

  9. Her own.

    There's only room for one god in Hillary's life, and she sees it everytime she looks in the mirror.

  10. What religion would you like her to be? Then that is her religion.

  11. i believe some form of christianity, like prodistan.

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