
What religion was worshiped at the kaaba before mohammad captured mecca and what were their customs?

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should all accounts of history be trashed? the moon god that was practiced from spain to india was that of the moon god[ allah] and allat his wife. were worshiped for thousands of years in the kaaba. so why didn't allah stop them from using his house? is allah so weak he couldn't stop a moon god from using his house?




  1. Worshipping idols

  2. They had a religion like Bush and Tony blair,they killed kids and old people and womens ande  animals...but when Mohamed salla allah 3alihi wa sallem kome,he make peace every where,you should know that is USA that create Alqaida to kill people and take what they have from them,remember that without muslims your economy will be dowen and you will walk in stade of taken the car and air plan...have a nice time and respect others if you want them to respect you

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