
What religions (or rather the people of them) are least likely to vote for McPain?

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What religions (or rather the people of them) are least likely to vote for McPain?




  1. I doubt many Pagans will be voting for him.

  2. Muslims.

  3. Pondered this question for more than an hour. My father once told me NEVER believe anything you hear (rumors) and only half of what you see. (the book by its cover thing)

    I swore I would never vote for a Republican, especially after what transpired when GWB was given the presidency. It made a believer out of me. "MONEY RULES" not the voters of America (U.S.)

    He who has the most money to line pockets is determined the winner or "RULER"

    This is not a religious thing its a "Big Business" thing. The only way religion got into it is when the "Republican and Religious Zealots" (notice I did not say "Christians") Got the "Christians to buy into the "Moral Majority B./S" in the 80's after which there was "No longer" a "left-wing" or "right wing" in the Republican and Democratic Parties.

    It was and is( to Republicans and Zealots) Left-wing - Democrats and Right-wing - Republicans. Which is a Farce the American voters blindly follow. To my utter amazement, Wake the h**l up AMERICA!!  

  4. Satanists, Buddhists, Unitarians.

  5. Churches should not be talking politics. They can lose their tax exempt status if they do.  A vote for McCain is a vote for the continuous borrowing of billions of dollars to keep our military in Iraq indefinitely.

  6. Obamaists.

  7. Catholics, christians. All the same to me. That's why I vote McCain.

  8. Pagans.


  9. Im not voting at all for this election because well there both crappy candidates

    Religion has nothing to do with voting for which candidate

  10. Sorry, Obama simply does not have the leadership skills nor the experience to be president.  As an atheist, I'll probably vote McCain, especially with a woman VP.  Obama has way too many warning flags regardless of his political platform.


    I resent that religion is being brought into the discussion of the presidential race.  The presidency should be decided on platform and qualification, not personal belief, s*x, race etc.

  11. evangelical

  12. liberal christians, pagans, atheists, and the "spiritual but not religious"

  13. Those who are not opposed to the murder of innocence.

  14. liberals....

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