
What reminds you of why you dont want to have kids?

by  |  earlier

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because i need a cheaper method of birth control




  1. im pregnant and cant wait to have my baby but i guess this could work for YOU

  2. dirty diapers, having a three year old under my feet constantly (not even mine mind you), listening to elmo's potty time and elmo's guessing sing along, and the same sesame street constantly. and the crying when he doesnt get his way, actually for me this is no where near a form of birth control even if this d**n kid gets on my nerves i still want a baby so bad i can't stand it.

  3. Go to the video store, rent one toddler video, take it home, and play it 27 times in a row :)

  4. THE PAIN!!!!!!!

  5. I love my kids and would never go back but I would tell someone what would stop.... you will not get enough sleep and you can not come and go as you please.  

  6. I'm not crabby...that guy has been posting lame things for a while and it gets annoying. He is totally lying! If you look at his other questions you will see why I say they are bogus, although, most of his questions get deleted because of people reporting them. He is just annoying, I'm not crabby...being pregnant has nothing to do with what I said to him.

    Thanks for apologizing, that was sweet:)

  7. i look at myself and im like dayum thats a fine dude and i realize imma be a poor fine dude if im locked up for ducking my child support you dig

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