
What repercussions, if any, exist for a nurse who makes the following statement while being arrested?

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"Any deputy that ends up in my emergency room better watch out"

This is in California. I am not the nurse nor the deputy in this situation, but my friend arrested a nurse who said this and I think its got to violate some type of code of ethics or standards for nurses.




  1. I think your friend might loose there job...not a smart thing to say.  

  2. At best it would be an internal policy matter.  422 PC covers terrorists threats.  the threat would have to be specific and the person would have to have the means of carrying it out.

    Personally i wouldn't worry, if she was a nurse and was arrested i doubt she will be working at the hospital for much longer.


  3. It is considered a terrorist threat to commit bodily harm intentionally to a law enforcement officer.  Even though she may have been joking.  Those of us in law enforcement take it very seriously.  Depending on the officer and the DA she could be fined or jailed.  She could lose her job.

  4. When people feel the loss of power they try in some small way to assert their own.  This is not uncommon from medical personel who have run afoul of the law.  I have witnessed this first hand from doctors and nurses.  They often are very self-important people.  If the hospital administrator is worth a sh*t she'll be fired.  No legal repercussions though because cowardice is covered under free speech.

  5. Just saying that would mean nothing.  If the nurse stated where she worked, the hours she worked, what she would do, etc, then there might be an argument for Terrorsitic Threats...maybe...

  6. What a foolish thing to say in the heat of the moment.Probably nothing.

  7. Nothing. Because it is not a direct threat

  8. The nurse shouldn't have been arrested in these situation, on what charge? This isn't considered to be a threat in some kind. It is a harsh words to hear but as long as the nurse do not do exactly what she said then there is no probable cause to arrest the nurse. Sometimes our emotion can get the better of us and we can express it directly through words, now the only problem is if by any chance he or she will do what he or she said. So it is the question of how or when he or she will do the threat. So no harm no foul, she can say anything foolish or cruel to everyone as long as he or she don't do it in actual form.

  9. This [as well as the arrest itself] should be reported not only to the hospital in which the nurse works, but also to the State's licensing bureau that monitors the nurse's license.

  10. if you dig deep enough you can charge someone or write a ticket for pretty much anything. the nurse could say that but if she acts on it then she would get fired and probably get prison time

  11. Ask for a better nurse

  12. Report the nurse to the California Board of Nursing.  They will do nothing but it will be in their record for when they actually kill someone.

  13. Repercussions?

    Me calling the hospital administrators and telling them exactly what was said.

  14. I would not worry too much about it, she was venting.  I would worry more about the nurse that is arrested and is quiet.  He/she is already plotting the next step and thinking.  

  15. Well, that might be possible, but I don't think there will be any serious repercussions for this. A scolding from her boss? Afterall, she can always say she was joking...

  16. Criminally, it is very general, and although disturbing, will not constitute any penalty.

    Now, for the professionalism aspect: she is a nurse, so, hopefully, the institute that she/he works for hears of it and takes appropriate action. It would be no less weight held to it than if she/he said I will not treat any whites/blacks if they come in.  

    It is that strong!  She/he could be suspended of even fired!

  17. I agree this was probably in the heat of the moment.  Most deputies recognize fairly empty threats and ignore them.

    They also ignore women who proposition them.

  18. as if, as a presumably young professional woman, getting arrested isn't humiliating enough, she threatens the arresting officer-lovely girl.

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