
What reptile should i get???

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i was thinking of water dragon or pink-tongued skink? but yeah open to all answers no snakes and plz every1 dont just say beardie i need more choices then beardies and i need thier pros and cons thanx




  1. You considered a tegu?

  2. Iguana. I have one. They eat lettuce and fruits. They dont make a big mess. And they arn't mean.

  3. get a snake

  4. hi if i was going to get a reptile i would get either an iguana or a gecko because iguanas are so nice they might grow big but they love human interaction if u raise them from babies they dont make to much mest you can tame them very easy and all they east is vegetables and fruits so u dont have to go otue and buy crickets every week or anything like that just feed them some of ur fruit or veges but make sure if u do get one that u dont feed them scrapes from like ur half eaten apple because reptiles can pick up human diseases or germs very easily and would be very sad if u had one from a baby and then decided  to feed it scrapes because u got to lazy to chop up some fresh fruit for it. Now with geckos ive had one before they are cute and easy to look after if u got a gecko and it was nocternal which most of them are it would be easyer to look after all u would pretty much have to do is where ever u kept the tank would have to keep quiet and when it was night time not to turn any lights on because they would get scared. just put crickets or stuff like that from shops such as pet barn or something and that and put them in there just before u went to bed and in the night time in the morning there gorn but u would need a tank that is fully enclosed with mabey a sliding glass screen at the front or on top because most geckos can climb glass and if it wasnt fully enclosed it would climb out that is one bad thing about them but same with the iguana they can pick up diseases easily so u can get a hand gell that u just rub in and it dries instantly that u put on before and after feed/touching reptiles which stops the reptiles and or people from getting bad diseases.

    Here are some sources.

  5. a skink

  6. man if u ask me get a chemeleon there awesome and rly cool there so interesting trust me get one and plus there not that hard to take care of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET 1

  7. I no you don't want me to say beardie but i will give you pros and cons. Pros they love human contact and are great if your not a very experienced reptile keeper and are very quiet and in my experience they are cute in an ugly way.

    I don't have any cons for them though sorry well maybe that they just need things like lights and heat lamps but that's all.

  8. You should get a Savannah Monitor. I have one and she is very nice and quite pretty.

  9. a shingleback is a good starting lizard they are really easy to care for and can become quite friendly same with blue tongues also if you want something a bit more challenging try a spencers monitor or goulds monitor

  10. Leopard geckos are nice their easy to take care of and are docile and calm. Black and white Taegu are about the best there is with the sociability of a dog but the are fairly large and eat mice as adults. Don't get a iguana there not worth their size and meanness during mating season.

  11. get a t-rex

  12. A Non-Venomous Snake!

  13. if i were u i'd git a glass lizard. they're pretty cool  : )

  14. get your self a lizared maby a gekco or something like that there the most fun to have but if not a water dragon is nice too

  15. hmm a turtle is nice and you can play with it too its soo nice having a turtle you can decorate its bowl you can even let it sleep with you at night and it won't cost you much i really recommend you a turle

  16. i think an iguana

  17. Iguannas are difficult to care for and get 6 ft long plus they can become very aggressive.  Corn snakes are great (as are bearded dragons) because they are fairly easy to care for and don't get huge also they are very calm and are perfectly fine with being held..  My two adult corn snakes are still small enough to fit through my belt loop.   Also corns come in a wide variety of colors.  Stay away from reticulated and burmese pythons those are the big snakes.  Retics are the longest species of snake in the world the record is 34 ft long.  Both can be aggressive.  The important thing is to find out as much as you can about the animal you want so you know what you are getting into.  All reptiles need a heat source and a uvb source.  Never use a heat rock or cave.  These frequently overheat and can seriously injure your pet.  If you get a snake make sure to feed it frozen mice.  Live mice can be a danger to your pet.  Many snakes have been seriously injured and killed by live prey. is a great site that has info on almost any reptile you could imagine.

  18. a i wouldnt get one of them, maybe aturtle, there cool and u can play with them

  19. turtles, or most lizards are great water dragons are good so are breadies.

  20. leopard gecko

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