
What reptiles are cheap and easy to take care of ?

by Guest34471  |  earlier

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What reptiles are cheap and easy to take care of ?




  1. sorry but no reptile is cheap.  lizards may cost the least but your still spending well over a hundred dollars.  a turtle is probably your most expensive reptile to care for so i would eliminate that off your list.  

    so if you are willing to spend over a hundred dollars or more i would get some leopard geckos because those are relatively easy to care for.

  2. Hi!

    Reptiles are animals, just like dogs and cats. Therefore nothing is easy to care for not even a fish. There might be "cheap" reptiles but there probably something wrong with it. But no animal would be cheap in the long run. I would just recommend you to read and do more research of what reptiles you want. All animals will cost alot of $$$ and you just really need to be ready to own an animal. Just please to do your research.

    Dogs and cats- the vet bills, care, food

    Fish- food, water supplies, tank

    Rodents- cage, water bottles, food, etc.

    Reptiles- house bills, food(fish, rats, mice, etc), tanks, bedding, etc.

  3. no reptiles are cheap and easy. reptiles depend on a controlled environment to survive.

    i suppose the least expensive would be green anoles or long tailed lizards, however you are still looking at about $80 to set him up right.

  4. Anoles are some of the easiest, cheapest, and are interesting. They do not like to be handled though. They are sort of like the goldfish of lizards.

    Leopard geckos look amazing and are great for handling. They are easy to take care of as well but you will need to spend a little more on the setup.

    Many people say that bearded dragons make excellent beginner pets, since they are moderate in size, eat a variety of food, and a have personality.

    Stay away from chameleons.

  5. I have an ornate box turtle that is pretty cheap to take care of, as i keep it in a tank but I take it outside for a few hours a day and because it eats fresh fruits and vegs. I really don't have to buy it anything else, I do though as it loves night crawlers. I have had it for over 20 years. Here is two good sites to check out for infor.  and exotic pets under reptiles

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