
What requirements has some one have to meet to become a police officer? Do you have to have a degree?

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I want to become a cop but dont know if i have to have some sort of degree or would they take me just with a high school diploma. Does any one know the requierments?




  1. Some require it, some don't.

    It won't ever hurt you, that's for sure.

  2. Some do, and some don't. The best thing to do is to go to the web site of the agency that you are going to apply to and they will have all there requirements listed.

  3. It depends on the state and the department.  Some states only require the academy training, but some departments will require it before hiring.  Some departments will only require a degree to gain rank, and the level will depend on the department.  Some will help or pay for college completely.  

    A degree won't hurt you, but remember the college classes may be only theoretical and not work on the street.  However, with more and more officers going no to get their masters and PHD in criminl law classes are getting more and more realistic and relevant.  

    Online classes are really helping to get college education to officers, they can do it when they are on rotating shifts and not so much class time.

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