
What requires more leadership? Voting 'present' or leading a STATE?

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Obama is a JOKE. He voted 'present' more than any other state legislator of Illinois, became Senator......and has been RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT ever since.

Palin never had her eye for the Oval Office or V.P. or Washington D.C.

She was CHOSEN by McCain. Obama chose HIMSELF a long time ago.

What kind of leadership is Obama really made of? What does he REALLY stand for?




  1. "A governor for just 20 months, she was two-term mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race."    ...the biggest worry she has had was whether there would be enough snow for the dof race.

  2. Like many of his "supporters", Obama has done nothing.

  3. Palin is the only one running that has ANY executive experience...  I'm really looking forward to her debates with Biden.

  4. If palin is the change candidate why did she endorse  indicted Sen Ted stevens? sound like more of the same to me

  5. Leading a state requires much more leadership.  

  6. interesting point.

  7. Reducing the size and cost and power of the state takes the most leadership. Something the republicrats dont posess.





  10. She is also the leader of the National Guard in her state...a key military state.

    She rocks, she is pretty, and she will be a great VP!

  11. I think you underestimate what Obama has accomplished during his 20 years of public service and overestimate what Palin has done as a first term governor of Alaska.

    And Obama/Biden is much, much stronger than a McCain/Palin ticket, in my opinion.

  12. Obama stands for nothing!


    check it out! u might actually learn something.. but u  DID ask.

  14. Lol.. very good question!

    Obama has spent all his time  avoiding taking any real stand on anything... voting "present" or being absent was the easy way out.. except for when he declared that " he was against that war from the beginning"  when he wasn;t  even in the senate at the time and nobody really cared about his opinion... but then did vote for more funding after saying he wouldn't

    Now with all the flip flops and indecision, who knows what in God's name he really stands for..I have lost track.

    Not to mention  the tucked away secret of his past  association with that horrid racist church... he conveniently does not want to talk of that.

    So leader ship?? I will go with the lady who has at least been doing something.. and with McCain who not only has given much to his country and proved himself over and over, is also a wise man.

    Never voted Republican in my life up to now.. but I like the McCain/Palin ticket and they will get my vote.  I can't help but like a man who is not afraid of a little female advice now and then and not afraid of a strong and talented woman.

    Too Bad, Obama.. you lose... you had your chance and you blew it!

  15. Very good point!  

  16. Yep when you compare Obama or Bidens resume to hers both of them end up on the bottom of the barrel.

  17. She ran a business.  Now that is some serious experience.  


    Especially in contrast to a candidate who is running on a platform of ruining a lot of small businesses.

    I don't care who the other guy is on the ticket.  I'm voting for Sarah Palin

  18. You answered your own question. Now if we stick together, the only change Obama will see  is when he takes his change to the Coin Star machine.

    McCain / Palin 08

    And you know this may lead to the first woman president in 4 years.

    I am a Republican and I am not afraid of a female president.


  19. He makes speeches.

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