
What resources have you found useful in your search for a birth family member or an adoptee?

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I have used many different resources in trying to locate my half brother who is an adoptee. Other than ISSR and state registries, what other resources may be helpful. I am compiling a list to post on my MySpace Adoption Reunion group. Thanks for your help.




  1. Once you have a name and possible age, I like "US SEARCH" for identifying a possible state. I don't pay and I take the information that comes up in my search and use it on "intellius" or "black book online" ( )and run  a free name and address finder.

    Blackbook also has cool state links that are free for every US state, I dig that site!

    Also check here, here are some other resources I use often:

  2. I had to go through the agency that handled my adoption and pay them to search for my n-mom for me.

    Some adopted persons that I know have had luck with searchers such as Kinsolving.  They charge only if they find, and they give a quote up front, I believe.

  3. It depends on what information you have. Do you have his DOB and location? If so checking out birth indexes may help. I use genealogy sites when I do searches. Good luck.

  4. My sister found a search angel. I paid 50.00 and a few weeks later I found my birthdaughter, then a few days later I sent my friends name and info in and for another 50.00 she found her birthson. Our search angel no longer searches. Not sure why.

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