
What resources make agriculture successful?

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  1. There was just an article in the paper today saying that agriculture in Africa is failing because it lacks the resources that make agriculture successful.

    Try using this as a resource for some good ideas.

  2. agriculture only works if there is good soil and good temperate conditions. otherwise the plants wont be able to grow. it helps if the agricultural area is near a flooding river so that when the river floods, it washes a ton of silt over the land. silt is high in nutrients, and makes the soil richer. or, in an area where there a natural forest fires. the fire helps refresh the ground. hope that helps!!!

  3. In today's economy in the USA the main requirement is massive inputs of capital.  Machinery has taken the place of physical labor in agriculture.  The high cost of that equipment has driven smaller farmers out of business.  There is no good source of capital for agriculture.  I know of no bank in our area that will write a new ag loan.

  4. human labor, sun, the earth, rain, seeds

  5. now days technology is a main resource, research that for your homework, there is alot of info and itechnology makes for higher yields on lower amounts of land

  6. Availability of productive land suited for agriculture, capital for buying good seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, knowledge in agriculture, interest or passion in producing agri products.

    Availability of fertile suitable for agriculture, good planting materials, capital for buying fertilizers, chemicals, mulching materials, knowledge, experience and interest or passion in agriculture.

  7. 1. water supply & irrigation equipments

    2. farm machineries & mechanization

    3. knows the crop to grow and raised

    4. knows soil amendments and ameliorations (crop rotations)

    5. farm technology must be on hand

    6. knowledge in marketing strategy

    7. acces roads to market the crop

    8. good drainage

    9. source of planting materials

    10. farm labor & maintenance

  8. Sustainable agriculture is by far the most promising!

    Check out  for basic info. Below is a local farmer who has turned his farm into a white collar venture.

  9. Land, labor, animals/grain products, machinery, cooperating weather.

  10. Land, freedom to work it and raise the crops and livestock you want, access to imputes like fertilizer, water, credit, roads to get your produce to market, fair market prices for your produce, love of the life.

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