
What restaurant in Los Angeles has the best lobster ravioli?

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I need a great onee




  1. spago

  2. Consider:

    Locanda Veneta, 8638 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90048

    They have excellent lobster ravioli (only $12.50), plus most of what they have on their menu is also very good!  The restaurant has been there for years and it's been consistently  great.  Strongly recommend reservations!

    Food there is EXCELLENT and moderately priced (It's also located near Ceder Sanai a reference point for location)

  3. COME ON ----The Marconi Grill - NO WAY SICK..

    Try The Lobster in the Santa Monica Pier.. It is amazing

  4. Romano's Macaroni Grill has some great lobster ravioli, if you haven't been there before. There are  some restaurants in El Segundo and Torrance and Monrovia. It'd help if I knew if you were talking about LA County or just the city.

  5. burger king

  6. wow! tuff question. I remmember going to small mom and pop places. use

    obamabot dot org

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