
What restaurants in america serve bugs to eat?

by  |  earlier

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I heard they are a really good lean and complete protein.




  1. eurghhhhhhhhhhhh, no.....................just no!

  2. I'm gonna need 4 u to drink a protein shake & try that 1st. .......

  3. why pay for that? look out the window!

  4. Most fast food restaurants, especially if they have a low score on their inspection.

  5. I don't know but plenty of snails in french restaurants. :)

  6. yummy, its always something people say "no" but its something you've got to try, but why dont you go outside and look for your meal? oh, that would be exciting :P

    Back to the question, i dont know where, sorry :P

  7. insect products are on the menu of several cafe in natural history and science museums around the USA. can't be more exact because the available changes often.

  8. Ignore the rude people; good on you for trying something new.  In China I ate silkworm larvae which was pretty disgusting but at least I tried it!  I also had deep-fried scorpion, which was ok (didn't really taste of anything) and some unidentifiable bugs in some soup.  I had a lot of other unusual foods that weren't bugs, but the fact is that some of them may sound horrible to cushioned, blinkered westerners, but they turned out to be delicious.  (Goose intestines and jellyfish spring to mind).

    I don't live in America so i can't answer your question in detail, but my guess would be to go to Chinatown if you have one near you.  Since it is a common foodstuff there, it is more likely that they will serve them than anyone else.  Good luck!

  9. Burger King and McDonalds.

  10. the only one I know of is Typhoon in the Santa Monica Airport. you can call them and ask if they know of more. sorry you got rude comments from people on this question mate.

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