
What restaurants in philadelphia don't card you for drinking?

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anyone with REAL and CONSTRUCTIVE answers please let me know. i'm just curious and i'm in college, its not like its unheard of. I already know of some places i'm just wondering of any others





  2. There is an applebee's that I use to go to that never cards anyone. It's on 15th between walnut and locust

  3. Because there's a *set* group of restaurants in each city that have a rule NOT to card people....

  4. Legally they are all supposed to card you. You need to be able to prove that you're 21 if you want to order a drink. The restaurant and the server can get in a lot of trouble for serving you underage.

  5. Not many.  Generally your best bet is to go someplace where you know the waiter.

    Or drink at home.

  6. THere's this one Chinese restaurant in the philly area that doesn't card you. I started drinking there when I was 18, they don't really care.  

    Here's the link:

    And the food is really yummy too.

  7. I'll answer this as I think drinking ages are pure BS.

    You must first appear as though you are over 21.  Grow some facial hair.  Act mature.  Make sure your friends look old enough too.

    Now, go to a BYO and bring a bottle of wine.  Make sure it's a nice bottle.  Don't be in a hurry to throw it up on the table, wait until your food comes and pull it out.  A BYO is a lot less likely to card than one that has a liquor license.  They simply have less to lose.

    Drink responsibly.  Good wine will always compliment a meal nicely, and it lightens the mood.  Have a good time.

  8. here is a thought if you don't want them to card u don't go there drink at home... clearly if u don't want them to know hten u aren't supposed to be doing it so don't

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