
What results need to happen next week for England to win the 6 nations?

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What results need to happen next week for England to win the 6 nations?




  1. now im no rugby fan, but im thinking that maybe they need to win all of thier games and thier closest opponents need to lose all thiers?

    :-s lol sorry i couldnt answer properly

  2. John m:

    lets hope that statement dont come back and bite you hahaha

    it could always go the other way and the spoon could be yours

  3. you need Scotland to beat France which they won't, you need Italy to beat Ireland which will not happen! And then you need to beat Wales and score a shed load of trys, which i don't think will happen either.  But anyway Ireland will win it, just because all the games are on Paddy's day and we can all go out on the p*ss and celebrate cause we have already done the triple crown!!!   COME ON IRELAND!!!!


  5. Either France and Ireland need to lose (shouldn't happen but after this year's results, who knows!) or Enlgand need to beat Wales by 30+ points more than either France or Ireland win their games by.

  6. Basic are France and Ireland to lose and England to win.

    But If France and Ireland win England need to beat Wales by at least 29 points more than France beat Scotland and/or 25 points more than Ireland beat Italy.

  7. Don't delude yourselves - Wales have been saving theirselves for this one - we will beat you BIG TIME in Cardiff!


  8. Ireland and France to lose and England to win by a 40 point margin

  9. france and ireland to be beaten and england to win

  10. you need to beat Wales, but needs to be a pretty big result!!

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