
What rifle should i buy

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i want to buy a rifle of my own because i have never had one. i am 14 years old. i shot my uncles .22 mag and it was awesome. i am just wondering what i should get. either a 10/22, a .22 mag, or a .22-250 i am going to shoot groundhogs rabbits some birds, opposum, and other things like that. i dont want to spend over $500 i cant deer hunt with it because they are illegal. i live in me decide!!!




  1. you can NEVER go wrong with a Ruger 10/22.  just youtube that rifle and you will see the coolest things ever.  My brother in law has one, and they are awesome.  You do not NEED anything more powerful than that for what you want it for.  However either a .22-250 or .223 is a good choice.  If you just killing to kill (pest control) who cares about the meat, these cailbers will killl at longer ranges, and you could use for target practce at longer ranges.  Since you know your game, Ruger 10/22 is all you NEED and will do all the work you want it to, but if you want a bigger caliber like .223 or .22-250 get any Savage Arms in those calibers and you might have a little more versatile firearm!!!!!!

  2. For the quarry you mentioned the 22LR would suffice and leave money left over for lots of ammo maybe a scope.

  3. Your best choice is the 22 Magnum.* Use hollow point ammo in your rifle.*

  4. G'Day mate go the .223 Remington sps 700 model  that will do the job fine but at 100 + meters any closer god help those critters.but i love the 22 mag also i have a 22mag cz very accurate.Don't go 22 lr unless it's barrel  is short.Shorter barrel means more accurate 100 fps faster well that's what mine reading was after i cut my barrel.cheers mate

  5. Get a Feather Industries AT22. They only weigh about 3 pounds loaded with a 20 round magazine.

  6. A .22 is a good choice, .22 mag will get out farther and a 22-250 is good for long range shooting. From what you have said I think the 22 mag is what you want and it is less expensive to shoot than the 22-250.

  7. If thats all you are shooting then the 22. mag is fine. Groundhogs can sometimes be pretty hard to get close too so you will be making long shots. The 22-250 is a little bigger, Alot better, Alot flatter, Alot faster, and Alot more accurate. If you wanted to hunt fox and coyote and bobcat too then the 22-250 i would recommend over any rifle.

  8. A rifle in good old .22 long rifle is your best choice. You can shoot paper targets with it, You can plink around shooting cans, milk jugs, fruits and vegetables, and balloons to name a few with one. As far as hunting with a .22, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, and other types of small game can be hunted with a .22 long rifle, plus a .22 is a good way to learn how to shoot a rifle and be proficient in marksmanship because there is no kick, it is cheap to shoot ($2-$4 for a box of 50 rounds), and there is no other caliber that you can do as much with and still be very cheap than the .22 long rifle.

  9. In Michigan, you can legally hunt deer with any centerfire caliber if you are hunting north of the rifle-shotgun line.  That includes the .22-250.  A good all around caliber is the .223.  You can hunt any game up to Whitetail deer as long as you limit the range of the larger animals.  The longer range, the less expansion you will get of the bullet upon impact as it will be traveling slower.  Varmints and predators can be hunted at 300 yards+, but limit deer to under 200 or even better, 150 yds.  You can get a Savage/Stevens .223 bolt action rifle for around $250 at Dunham's or Sprotsman's Warehouse.

    This leaves you plenty of cash to buy a .22LR also.  It is hard to beat the value of a 10/22.  It is a reliable and accurate .22 rifle.    You can get a box of 350-500 rounds for less than $15.  For the $500, you could buy a Stevens .223, a Ruger 10/22 and put scopes on both rifles.

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