Before my son was born me and my in-laws got along great. But now that he's here I find it harder and harder to deal with them. The women in particular. They are all over powering and wear the pants in the family. I'm the complete opposite. They try to tell me how to parent my son, who just turned 9 months yesterday. They tell me what he should eat, how he should nap, how I should teach him and so on, ect. I welcome any and all advice but I feel they are TELLING me this is how it should be and get mad if it's not their way. Like, last Saturday my sister-in-law said she wanted him to spend the night. She has 2yr old twin boys and just found out she's expecting. So she wants to see how it would be with 3. I said I just wasn't ready to be away from him for the night and my Aunt-in-law blurted out, "it's not all about you!" I know it's not but I'm just not ready. When I try to talk to my husband about these things he either takes their side or blows it off as us women being catty. Once when I told my sister-in-law that I didn't feel comfortable giving my son table foods she was trying to feed him she said , "well he's MY nephew and I want him to try it." Am I being over protective or what? I feel he is my child no matter what and I call the shots. I know they mean well and love him and I'm thankful for that but how do I handle them because I'm not sure I can take it anymore.