
What rights do i have if my parents break up??

by  |  earlier

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im 15yrs old and want to know what would happen to me if my parents broke up. i have an older brother whos 18?




  1. Apart from being looked after by the parent you choose to live with, then you have no other rights

  2. You have the same rights as before. Although, you have a say in which parent you would prefer to stay with and if you REALLY want you are old enough to get emancipated...

    Your brother has all the rights of an adult- he's 18.

  3. you would cry

  4. You have the right to a roof over your head and to be fed regularly.  You have the right to visit with the other parent as it is spelled out in the divorce decree.   That's pretty much it.  

  5. Do you mean right to be cared for or right to choose what happens to you?

    You are still entitled to care from your parents at 15. If they split up that may be 'delivered' thorough one of them having custody over you and the other paying maintenance.

    You could tell the court which parent you wished to live with, but that would not override any opinions the court made over which was more suitable and capable of caring for you.

    It is rare but if both you and your adult brother wanted it you could ask the court to place you in his guardianship rather than with either parent.

  6. Hi my parents split up when i was 15 and my brother was 17 almost 18.

    I got to choose who i wanted to live with.

    Remember just because you pick one parent to live with doesn't mean you don't love the other as much.

  7. You're 15 and still a minor, you don't really have "rights" besides basic HUMAN rights.  

    You may have a say in which parent you want to live with, but more than likely there will be joint custody anyway.  You are still a child, and have to do what your parents say, divorce doesn't change that.

    I'm sorry, good luck.

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