
What rights do people with license but are under the age of 18 have if a cop asks to search the vehicle?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering, if you are under 18 and are stopped by a cop and they asked to search your vehicle, do you have the same right as someone over 18 to refuse?

Even if you are over 18, what would the cop[s] do after you refuse?

I am just curious! Thanks!




  1. They cannot force you to open your trunk but they ARE allowed to look in your windows at anything visible.  If they see something illegal then they have more rights to search.

  2. Under 18 has the same rights as an adult.  You can refuse the search.  As with an adult if the officer has reasonable suspicion of a crime he will detain you and seek a search warrant.  If he arrests you he can then search the vehicle without your permission or a search warrant.

  3. Yes you do.


  4. None... Whoever the car is registered to has all the rights for the search and seizure of the vehicle. Just because you were driving the vehicle doesn't mean you have rights to it. Whether a friend or parent owns the vehicle, and you are above or below 18, you don't have any rights if you don't own the vehicle.

  5. I'm fairly certain that all you have to ask them is "why do you want to search my car?" They need some sort of probable cause in order to search your car.

    Examples: If you throw a beer can out the window.

    The car smells like pot.

    If you were to be pulled over just for speeding then getting searched for that then there is no reason to search the car.

    The best idea is to not interfere with the search, and if there is any trouble where you feel there was no reason for the search then you can get them back in court. Just be sure to write down the officer's name and badge number.

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