
What rights does a landlord who lives in their own rental property have?

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What rights does a landlord who lives in their own rental property have?




  1. You really need to be more specific. Still a good rule of thumb may be that anything you could do as a landlord not living in the property or as a tenant living in the property; you can do as a landlord living in the property.  Ie If you could not do something as a landlord living somewhere else, and you also could not do it as a tenant - then you still can't do it.

  2. concerning what? there are alot of rights....

  3. If you live in 1/2 of the house and rent out the other, the tenants must respect your privacy and keep quiet.   No loud music late at night.  They have to pay their rent on time.

  4. It really depends on the state you live in. Without knowing that no one can advise you. See this link. It might help answer some of your questions.

    to answer you email to me:

    It really depends on the state laws. In most states you have to serve someone with a thirty or ninety day notice to quit, to initiate the eviction process, and the eviction process itself can be drawn out for as long as a year, but sometimes you are only required to give them a 7-14 days notice. Often the length of the notice depends on how often the tenant pays rent (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly).

    My best advise is for you to google "tenants rights handbook Pennsylvania." In that you should find a copy for PA. It is essential to know what you do and do not have the right to do to the tenant as well as know what the tenant has the right to do as the result of your actions.

    If you can afford to, call an attorney. If not, go to your local district court and ask to speak with someone in the clerks office. Usually, they will be happy to tell you how to initiate the eviction process.

    What ever you do, do not lock the tenant out or interrupt their right to quiet enjoyment meanwhile. You do not want to get yourself sued.

    Also, document all communications directed to the tenant in writing through certified mail so that the tenant cannot buy them self more time in the process.

    I hope this helps some.

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