
What rights does the father to my unborn child have in terminating my adoption plan?

by Guest31718  |  earlier

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Im 16 & so is the father he has no job, has a violent history, & does drugs but recently stated he no longer agreed with the Adoption Plan & refuses to think of whats best for the child. He now would like to raise my unborn son!




  1. He has that option.  If he does not agree to the adoption then he can chose to raise the child himself.  Unless you go to court first and get his parental rights revoked. You must prove that he would be an unfit parent etc.

  2. you can have mom to take you to have an abortion and don't let him know about it.If you keep the baby he may try to take it unless your mom steps in and gets custody of the baby for you.

  3. I have seen many a tough guy reduced to puppy dogs over their new born children. You have no guarantee this will happen but you have no guarantee it won't. It might be the very thing that makes him snap out of his destructive behavior. Every one deserves a shot. Innocent until proven guilty.

  4. If he has a paternity test proving he is the father than he has every legal right to oppose adoption.  If you can prove he is an unfit father than his rights can be terminated.  If you don't want to raise the baby, and he does, and you go to court it may be decided that the baby will go to him to raise.  I would consult a lawyer to see what the best plan of action would be for you.


  6. If the father wants to be involved in the childs life, then he has the rights. Despite his background, if he doesn't sign away his parental rights, then the adoption can not go thro. ( also depends on the law where you live)

    You can try going to court to get his rights revoked, but you better make sure you have proof of his violent history.

  7. This is his baby too.  Quit being so selfish.  Or is it that you don't want to be the one paying child support?????  Let him raise HIS baby.

  8. Why would you sleep with a man/boy who has this kind of history???  

    Check your states laws for a punitive father registry.  If your state has one, and he doesn't register with the state as the child's father, he could lose his rights, although this law is being challenged.  You'll have to prove he is unfit, and that he is doing drugs to do so.  He has rights, and if you give the child up, he could raise it, and could sue you for child support.  My prayers are with this child, because it's first few years sound like it will be fought in court.  You might ask your boyfriend how he is going to pay child support, buy diapers, and provide health insurance on the baby.  This might get him to go through with the plans.

  9. If he seriously does have a violent history and does drugs I don’t think the courts would see him as a  fit to be parent.  If there is any documentation of his drug usage or violent history you can use that in court. Grant it the courts would likely give him a time period to shape up. If he is serious about wanting to keep the baby he better get his *** in to gear and get a full time summer job/ and get a part time job when school starts back up. His money will have to go to diapers, no more drugs.

    I will not lie the fact that he has a violent history is very concerning. Does he have a short fuse? Is he the kind that could potential lose his temper and shake a baby?  Babies/little kids can be very stressfully/demanding  for anyone  but even more for someone whose still a kid themselves.

    Any one else that can attest for you that this young man would not be the best place for a baby all the better for you.

    The only think you can really do is go to court and see if the courts will deem him unfit to parent and automatically terminated his rights. Again in most cases he would be given a time period to straighten up. In which time if you don’t have the baby it might have to be placed in Temp Foster Care. Otherwise you can’t go forward with your adoption plan.

  10. Get him done for statutory rape and that should sever his rights.


  12. You should talk to the adoption agency about this - they have more experience.  His rights to the child vary depending on the state you live in.  

    Any dishonesty in this whole process to either the adoption agency or the father will end up costing the adoptive parents thousands of dollars in court fees (and possibly your child).  In order for him to be granted parental rights he needs to show the court that he has a plan on how to raise the baby (income, child care, and a will to raise the child, etc.).  If he cannot show this then the child will end up with the adoptive parents - this all costs money for lawyers and court.  It's an unfortunate situation but he has rights to his biological child no matter how horrible a person he is.  

    If he has drug problems, or violence problems - get the police involved to reduce his credibility - that's the only advise I can give you.

    Talk to your adoption social worker - they will be able to advise you legally in your state!

  13. he is 16 no job kid for him..he isnt your husband he has no rights he going to pay 5000 for a dna test ..or 5 lbs of weed..I think he would choose the weed

  14. He can block the adoption completely.  Both parents need to agree to giving up a child PERMANENTLY!  You get that, right?

    He has thought about what's best for the child.  Apparently raising his son is just that. Just because his thoughts aren't what you want doesn't mean he is refusing to think about it.

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