
What rights does the spouse have to the money in a marriage?

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can a wife be cut off from all the money while in a marriage




  1. I would say she has just as much right to the money as he has. Legally no, but if the spouse is a jerk and chooses to control the purse strings then yes.

  2. Both have rights to the money in a marriage. If your spouse is cutting you off from access to any money, then you may need to see an attorney.  

  3. Legally speaking the wife is entitled to half of the husband's worth. The longer the marriage last, the more is her entitlement. What is accumulated during the years is from the effort of both of them. A wife may not be a working person but she helps maintain the house as work. I do not think that she cannot get cut off from all the money in a marriage.

  4. She is never cut off, if she is married. One way or the other she is  being taken care of, either by a roof  over her head, food in the kitchen, ect. If she wants more she should get a job

  5. no you can't be cut off from all the money.  you are entitled to your liberties; this is after all  America.

  6. WHEN YOU GET MARRIED everything turns into 50-50 but if she abuses her privilege i think she needs to be grounded from the money and let the man handle the bills

  7. I honestly don't think so because now every thing is joined together.

  8. Generally he will have a right to half of all possessions.

  9. no, but once upon a time, I had my check deposited onto a company debit card and it was great having a "slush fund" that he didn't have access to....  

  10. No, not legally. She is entitled to half of everything. He does have some say in where his money goes when you are still married.  

  11. The only way you can be cut off from money is if he's the one out working and he's just not giving you any.  It's not right at all, but that's how some men are.  There's really nothing you can do about that except for get a job and keep the money you make.

  12. No. However both have to agree on and be aware of how much money is being spent at all times, just so no one drains the checking account.

  13. Personally I think it should be 50/50 unless a spose had a pre-exisiting bussiness or inheritence then its up to then if they want to share that. Yes, it is possible a wife can be cut off. Perhaps you should speak to your husband about you haveing an account or some sort of compromise if you are unsatisfied.

  14. I'm no attorney, but I'm thinking probably not.

  15. no but old school ***holes make them think that they can be.  my mom in law is like that.  her husband has her thinking that just cuz the house, cars, bank accounts are all in his name and NOTHING is in hers she could never leave.  

    trust me when i say i have been schooling her on the calif divorce laws.

  16. can you get a job of your own? if so do it. if not start saving when he does give you money.

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