
What rights have feminists given to men?

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Boag, yup that's right. Мелани-ok I love you! ;)




  1. short answer: are you that ignorant?

    long (and nice) answer:

    the whole point of feminism is to get rights for women so we equal men. history gave men rights. i mean, i'm not a feminist and i often find the extreme ones annoying, but i am a girl and i can tell you feminists still have more work to do. women are paid less for the same jobs. i'm afraid to walk on my college campus alone at night. i'm not respected when i go to an electronics store, mechanic, hardware store, etc. even though i know as much about that stuff as the average guy. feminism is about evening the playing field so that when i pick up my guy friends in my manual transmission car they don't look at me like an alien and so that when i graduate college (something i can do because of the feminist movement) i can get paid as much as the guy next to me doing the exact same job.

    if you want to know about rights given to men, try looking at the civil rights movement, which gave black men rights, or the disability rights movement, which works really really hard so that men in wheelchairs can use the same buildings and cars as us able-bodied people.

    i know white men don't get any attention these days, but think of it this way: there's a group of kids on a block that play together. one kid is a white boy that's gotten everything he needed/wanted since he was born and doesn't get a scholarship but his parents pay for his college anyway. one kid is a minority who never had anything but got a part-time job and now he's able to go to the movies with everyone else, and he gets a scholarship for his hard work. one kid is a girl who was always ignored and seen as stupid, but she studied hard and got a scholarship. all three kids are going to college. can the white boy be mad at the other two because they're going for free? or should the other kids be jealous of the white boy because he didn't have to work hard like they did to get to go to college? in the end, they'll all graduate and live their own lives with slightly more equal chances because of those scholarships, whereas without them the girl and the minority boy would have no way of getting a higher education while the white boy got a degree and bought burgers from the other two at mcdonald's. that's why white men get no attention: because they don't need it. the rest of us need a little help to start at the same place.

  2. The right to a broken family unit.

    The right to a dysfunctional society.

  3. No-fault divorce helps both men and women. Also, it's given men the right not to be the sole provider for their families, and to act in a way that is not traditionally masculine if that's not who they really are.

  4. Technically it's given men more opportunities to do things like be stay-at-home dads, not have to be sole providers for families, be able to raise kids the same amount as mothers do, etc.  However, you're kidding yourself if you think this is the way things work in the real world.  To be fair, that's not a problem just dealing with feminists, however, with a few exceptions, I don't see too many feminists who worry about it that much.

  5. I find it REALLY funny that Kris W is blathering on about a "racist" comment when HE has said, in regard to the Native Americans, that they were a bunch of "savages" that deserved to be subjugated and have all of their land taken from them.

    That is one racist jerk, who believes that it's really everyone else that's racist and sexist, and can't see past his own nose.

    @ Kris W   I'm not taking your words out of context, the question was about "white guilt" and your response was that American whites had nothing to be guilty about, NOT because it was their ancestors and not them that did anything wrong, but because the Native Americans were a bunch of savages, and that there was nothing wrong with what happened to Native Americans. I suppose you think that black people had it comin', too, huh?  And you obviously think women should have never been afforded any rights in the first place. I find it hilarious that you constantly whine about the how "feminists" seek to annihilate men, even going so far as to say feminists would put men in "concentration camps" (an obvious example of paranoia and extreme victim mentality if there ever was one) if they had their way, when you obviously have no problem with the near total annihilation of other groups of people. THOSE people just had it comin', I guess. As for "being on the wrong side of 4 wars," that's completely subjective, of course, and you obviously have no clue about US history if that is your overly simplistic view of it.

  6. Nobody has given anybody any rights. Right are inalienable and God-given.  

  7. LOL!  Feminism has brought unhappiness for most men and women. Any feminist who dares say that feminism has helped men is a cynical liar.

  8. - right to divorce and not feeling bad that the the woman will starve to death (yeah she can make more money than you)

  9. The right to shut up and follow all of their orders.

  10. Women never tried to deny men their rights in the first place.  

  11. When and if there comes a time when political and judicial offices and big business is run in the majority by women they will be able to give rights to males.  

    The thing is we don't even want that, all we want is equality of numbers in these areas, so we will just keep fighting for that.

  12. The right to be jailed if they simply "insult" the female member of their family..

    Their right to lose their job to a less qualify woman.

    The right to lose half of their asset in a divorce.

    The right to get abused by women and receive no help in case of domestic violence.

    The right to be guilty until proven innocent.

  13. um... the right to live in a world in which we can all be seen as equals?

    I'm so tired of people acting like feminism is somehow offensive or harmful, just because some women are frustrated and that intimidates you. Yes, there are men's issues and women's issues, but we can still feel the ripples of an older time, where women rarely had high-paying jobs, (by the way... count the number of female fortune 500 presidents. You don't even need one hand. Top rated artists? Presidents?) were seen as weak and not as sexual beings... whatever, we all KNOW this, let's move on, get over it men who feel uncomfortable, it's isn't about you.

  14. Modern feminists MUST keep the rights of all men in mind.  Our goal is to reach equality to that of men....the answer is in the word itself!!!???   Such a question plays with curious boundaries...  wording is truly key.

  15. governments make the laws not feminists.

    i think that many men on this site are very anti women, the suggestion here is that its ok for men to be paid more, have more rights in the work place, etc, its not, equal pay, equality in the workplace, and a fair settlement if there is a divorce.

  16. the right to hand over 3/4th's of your pay check...


    WOW. I just read the most ignorant racist reply to a question here and wow.

    Such ignorance , let's see let me look at myself quick..

    Gender.. let me see yep male..

    Race.. hmm my skin is white...

    Rich parents who can pay for my college education...

    nuts two out of three isn't bad?

    Such ignorant racism doesn't belong in the 21st century.


    hmm my comments about the natives. Nice to know that people still take things out of context. The term "savage" was sarcastic but history speaks for itself.

        Human history is the movement and displacement of people. A cry for sympathy from those who choose to be on the wrong side in over 4 wars.... yeah right.

  17. "I'm so tired of people acting like feminism is somehow offensive or harmful"

    Then work to make it less offensive and harmful.

  18. The rights to a divorce attorney.  

  19. All of the above answers and then some.

  20. To answer your question directly - I don't know.  

    BUT - I would suggest that men should approach the laws recently granted women on the basis of their equality as an opportunity for themselves.  In cases where laws used to hold men exclusively responsible for support of their wives and children - he now has an excellent case to prove that his wife is EQUALLY capable of taking care of the bills and his children.  

  21. None that I can think of, but it has given men more of an opportunity to have their wife be their comrade. It is more likely that you'll have a friendship with someone who isn't your subordinate. So, rather than women just being for s*x, babies, and household chores (like until the 70s); she's more likely to be a true companion. For the thinking man who finds a woman who has adopted only a minimal amount of misled views, it's more fulfilling.  

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