
What rights have you, yourself, lost since 2001?

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So many people complain that the Bill of Rights has been "shreaded," "trampled on," or "ignored." To those who claim such, what rights have you lost? Please be specific.




  1. ZERO!

  2. privacy the ability to travel freely without being treated like a criminal - the right to feel safe against my government and loss of respect for supporting the constitution of the united states and the bill of rights.

  3. The Right to Privacy.  The US is THE most recorded country.  You go ANYWHERE and you are recorded.

    The right to feel safe in my home.  Don't have any idea if someone is listening to my phone calls or not...Not because I am hiding anything, but because the cell phones are not secure.  The fact that numerous BIG phone companies felt it was their duty to share that information with the government is WRONG, in this "Free" environment.  

    No Habius Corpus any longer.  They are trying to make ANYONE who does ANYTHING wrong a "Terrorist"...the sad thing is that people are too blinded by FEAR to see the writing on the wall!  I mean they were trying to say PETA were "Environmental Terrorists"...I don't like them, but they aren't "Terrorists!"  Maybe criminals, but that doesn't make them "TERRORISTS!"

    DOC, yes, you HAVE lost the FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.  People don't even REALIZE that this cr@p is going on!

  4. I have lost all my rights-you need money to have rights. I still have the right to remain silent if I so choose!

  5. Many rights only exist on paper.  The bill of rights describes the right to redress of grievances but the fact is that no government official will respond to this right.  The gun control lobby has continually subverted the second amendment by attempting to modify it's language and intent.  The patriot act has changed the whole way public assembly is treated.  To have a picket line you have to register ahead of time as a potential terrorist organization in Las Vegas, something that came into Vogue post 9/11.  We are not as free as we would like to believe.

  6. None

    I know that the fear mongering liberals think so.

    I am still waiting for the end they keep talking about.

    BTW: Patriot Act the big bad boogy man is the same set of laws that stop organized crime.

  7. I haven't lost any rights I"m still living my life the same!

  8. Republicans love dumb americans such as


    the government can spy on you without a warrant, detain you indefinately without charge, search your house without warrant

  9. I have lost the right to speak my mind without worrying about the political correctness of my opinions.

    I have lost the right to drive my car without a seat belt.

    I have lost the right to hold my child in my arms in the car.

    I have lost the right to determine what shots my child will or will not have.

    I have lost the right to determine with my doctor, the course of my health care.

    I have lost the right to smoke in public.

    I have lost the right to raise my children without government interference.

    I have lost the right to have any input into what my children learn in school.

    I have lost the right to control fully 2/3 of the money I make, because the government demands this amount in taxes of various kinds.

    Half of what remains is spent on complying with various government regulations.

    I believe that the government has become so intrusive that every where you turn you are faced with some other mandate "for your own good".

    We are Americans, and we are grown-ups, we don't need someone to tell us how to live.

    We need to elect Ron Paul, and take back our country.

  10. I can be declared an enemy combatant or a terrorist by the president and stripped of my rights and held indefinitely. An officer can enter my home without a warrant if they think I am a terrorist. Also, under the North American Union, the US has lost it's right to be a sovereign nation.

    There are many more. Just because these violations of our rights aren't being used RIGHT NOW, doesn't mean they don't exist and are not in place.

    If don't know this, then you are incredibly naive, are completely ignorant, or you just don't know the constitution.

  11. None




  12. You're going to love when Bush or Hillary declares martial law and they come for your gun if you have one.

  13. Getting kick on the butts with cheap-skate ghostly kitchen's ghost stories and ghostly modern history of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    Being born and raised  by a dead Mummy as Son of a dirty old man in kicking the butts of God without being aware of it created in own backyards.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Witout being aware of being short-changed by the dead Mummy.

    Luke 3. 7-9

    What do you think?

  14. I've not lost a single one.  On the other hand however, you have that now infamous letter written by Harry Reid andsigned by 40 democrats demanding Clear Channel Communications remove Rush for having called that fake prick in Seattle a "Phoney Soldier."  You also have them demanding that we rescind our right to bear arms.  The big clue a of late should have been Al Gores trampling of the U.S. Constitution when he kept demanding all of those recounts.

  15. 1. The Freedom of religion: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances"  I can no longer even wish people Merry Christmas at work as it may "offend" someone causing me to lose my job......Thank you ACLU, I don't see anywhere that it says I can only express these freedoms in my home.

  16. The right to travel on a commercial airline without being patted down.  I cannot lock my baggage.  If I book a one way flight or make scheduled stops my baggage is thoroughly searched.

    If I am arrested I may be detained without access to legal counsel or spirited away to an unknown location for an unspecified amount of time, without a trial!

    My phone calls and emails are being routed by AT&T to the government without cause or subpeona.

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