
What rims are better for dirt jumping Halo Combats or Halo Combat 2's

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Hey I want to put fox vanillas on my jumper but I have a thru-axle hub and my rims need truing which is $40 for both. I could do that but the thing is my rims aren't as good as halos anyway and I've been looking into stronger FR rims for what I ride. Combats or Combat 2's. -Thanks




  1. I have both Tornados and Combats and believe me they hold up fantastic.  For the life of me I haven't been able to find a rim cross-section pic of the new Combat 2's....from everything I can tell, it looks like they only changed over to black spokes/hub for the complete wheel.   BTI had the product listing on their website early last fall but Halo still doesn't mention the change on their website.   I dunno.  Halo knows their stuff, though, so any change they made to that rim is bound to be an improvement.   Check out the SAS rims, too....the only difference is the double eyelets but that's nice for jumping and durability.  The rim joint is slightly different too but not a big deal.  The SAS wheels to have the Spin Doctor hubs, however, which is definitely worth it compared to the loose-ball hubs on the Combats.

    You should also consider the Transition Revolution and Azonic Outlaw wheelsets......good stuff.  There are plenty of others out there, too.   It's hard to beat Halo for value and durability, though, even with the exchange rates.  Somehow Combats are still pretty cheap.   :o)

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