
What risk am I taking when I leave my kinds behind to work overseas?

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I'm a single mom with 2 young children, 4 and 11 years old. It is very difficult for me to leave them behind to work overseas. My problem is, my son is misbehaving most of the time. I am afraid I will have problem children in the future.




  1.   If this is the only job that would provide for them (and that might be the case in this economy) or you are in the military then you just have to do what you have to do.  I wouldn't want to do it unless I absolutely had to though.  My guess, from your post, is that your career depends on it and it's for the greater good for them.  How long is it for?  Will they be able to stay with people you trust?

  2. Well you are basically leaving your kids which will cause them to have "mom" issues as they grow older. Issues such as abandomnent, and why did you choose work over them etc. I have those issues with my own mother that had my grandmother raise me from 13 on.  

  3. 11 isn't a young child!!! I was operating heavy equipment on the farm and butchering cows by that age! But why would you leave a 4 year old? Sorry but I'm gonna have to throw a guilt trip on you for that one. Stay home. Be a mom. Get an easy job.  

  4. I don't know how you can leave them.  It is breaking my heart and I wish I didn't read this.

    I don't know what the circumstances are but if you can't take them with you then maybe you could find another job and stay here.  

    I would work as many jobs as I had to , get counseling for the oldest and stay home with them.

    How can you do this?  Oh my gosh I can't imagine what this will do to the both of them.  Especially the little one.


  5. Hate to say it but this would be something your children will always remember - their mum leaving them to go overseas.  Your children are at a stage when they need a parent to influence and guide them the right way.  

    However I am sure your kids would enjoy an adventure going overseas with you.  I mean it must be worthwhile for you to make a big step to move overseas, why can't your kids follow?

  6. do you have to ask this? they are your kids...of course its gonna cause problems!

    and you say you are a single mom, is their a dad in the picture?

  7. Why are you going overseas? If you are military and being deployed then no, you are not a bad mom. that is just a terrible thing for someone to say. However i would have to say that is the only option that i would reccomend leaving to go overseas, because you have to. If you are approached to take a job where you can not take your children then i wouldn't accept it, however if you are approached to take a job where you could take you children but aren't willing to then that would be an indicator to me that your children may be better off in the care of someone besides you.

  8. Take them with you. and if you can't I don't think I would go.

  9. You will scar and change there life forever if you leave.I know this because I was raised by my grandparents and there like my mom and dad.I don't know or speak to my mother.

    Is that what you want them to treat you like..:nobody.

    AND hate you for all there lifes..bc you left them like a piece of meat.

    Be smart and raise ur kids and to go overseas wait until there in better place in there lifes and comfortable not when is all a mess.

    Hey u asked.

  10. A woman should never leave her kids behind!!  You are being a bad mom!! :(  The risk is really great that something bad will happen to them.

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