
What rituals r there 2 make revirgify ureself??

by  |  earlier

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i need 2no!!!

*** on!!!

no1 like has nethin??

i mean i saw kyle XY and like they did some ritual that like made them a virgin again

i no u cant REALLY make ureself a virgin again but its like suppose 2 be spiritually




  1. ...and obviously we still need spelling lessons and some kind of anti-text-messaging drug to make your stuff legible.

    But this one is a little better than the last one.  Keep trying.

  2. well, not everything seen on TV can be believed. To that end, there was little I could find out about an actually ceremony to do what your talking about. However, there is something called Secondary Virginity wherein you change your lifestyle in order to avoid premarital s*x. It requires a personal pledge to become entirely abstinent from s*x. further more they break all ties from people, places, and situations that could weaken self control. Any actions that could result in lustful thoughts, kissing or even hugging certain people, is totally off limits. It sounds tough, but definitely a step in the right direction if you are beginning to regret a poor choice.

    You can find more information here:

    Good Luck

  3. - Don't have s*x in the first place.

    - Or get a GOOD plastic surgeon.

    I would suggest learning to spell first, though...

  4. If you are Catholic ask God to come into your life, and the Holy Spirit to make you clean again.

  5. You go to the plastic surgeon and ask them to sew you on a new hymen. Other than that you really will never truly be a virgin again unless you magically become reborn as a baby...

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