
What road bike would you recommend?

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I have a panasonic dx-2000 bike, which was made in the 80's. The bike has a light but sturdy build, and I like the old fashioned style, but I'm looking for something that can make me quicker.




  1. Not being familiar with the Panasonic DX-2000, I checked it out! and found it was a fax machine!!!!!

    Seriously, throw us a rope with regards to price range and usage and I'm sure someone, somewhere, can help you !


    EDIT: David B - Bigger fool you!


  2. David is right, if your looking for something to make you quicker, thats it. But really though, you need to list more details, like price, what kind of racing and so on.

  3. Get this one, you won't regret it.

  4. Ask your local bike shop. This is like asking what kind of car should I get and not giving any details.

  5. Don't even listen to those guys trying to get you to buy a Madone. Everyone knows that the Freds and dentists riding them are jealous of the guys on Serottas.

    Be a real man and go with a custom made, Reynolds 953 framed bike.

    I'm just kidding. I actually think Japanese bikes from the 1980's are extremely cool, and the thing that makes you quickest is more training.

  6. I have to disagree with David. Any high quality road bike will make you quicker. Trek's Madone just happens to be one of them. Also David seems to forget that he rides a bike because Lance rides it but Lance rides it because he's PAID to ride it. If Specialized had offered him more, he would've ridden for them instead. Lance doesn't care about the company- he says 'Show me the money!!" There's a reason Lance Armstrong says," It's not the bike." His bikes are custom built for him anyway so your store bought one will never be like his. Anyway, if you could give us a price range, I'm sure someone here could help you. If you have $8,000 to spend, David might not be far off. Still a decent aluminum with carbon rear could be right for you. Decide on what you want to spend and go from there.

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