
What rodent should i get?

by  |  earlier

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Well in the future.. not sure when. i would like to get a new rodent. Maybe a guinea pig or maybe a rat. but for them i should get 2. i may want to get a gerbil though.. Please help.. what is the best to get and any tips or ideas on cages and stuff?

(maybe a hamster)




  1. i wouldn't get a rat because i'm scared of the bubonic plague but if you buy it from the right place it'll be ok

    I guess a guinea pig

  2. They all smell pretty badly, but they are great pets. I'd get a hamster, because out of personal experience they are way nicer and easier. :) Make sure you get toys because he ,ight get bored.

    Good Luck

  3. guinea pig , easy, cheap and cuteeeeeee

  4. Guineapigs, they're the cubbest and the cutest. I have 3 right now. They're so cute and easy to take care of but they eat alot of veggies. and they dont eat meat.

  5. guinea pigs make GREAT pets. I had one and it didn't bite and was very good with staying in one place. for the cage, i would recommend this:

    it should be big enough for a guinea pig. I currently have one hamster and two gerbils and they are both great pets. if you are looking for something a little smaller than a pig but still pretty calm, i would say to get a Syrian hamster. they will cuddle up to you and are a lot calmer than gerbils. gerbils also need to be kept in at least pairs because they are EXTREMELY social. on the other hand, Syrians are not social AT ALL and should be kept solitary. don't get syrians wet either, they get really stressed. if you look through my profiles questions section, you should find some great info about gerbils to.

  6. I would get Gerbils. They are the friendliest rodent you can get. I would Get them a tank as they like to toss these shavings around when they Dig. They also love to chew so you can give them a wood house and I give mine eggs carton or tubes and they love it.

  7. Get a chinchilla they are expensive but cute, friendly and live up to 20 years so you wont have to worry about it dieing soon but for all rodents they need their cage cleaned constently! They are worth the money! Also if you cant get one then a hamster or dwarf hamster they are great pets or a gerbil they all are very good pets that dont stink that mush and are fun to watch and play with!  Gerbils and hamsters and dwarf hamsters are cheap and easiest to take care of if you know what your doing. You will need a big cage but not too big and not too small due to confusion. They need to have a nice healthy diet like mazuri or kaytee. Fresh water is a part of any animals diet and should always have it avalible! They need wheels, 2 bowls for fruits and veggies and another for pellets, a h2o bottle,  a cage with no plastic, bedding that is not ceader or pine try carefresh or softsorbent, a hide out wood like untreated apple sticks to chew in and more. Lots of rodents or small and furrys love to dig so dont be surprized if their bedding is flung out on your floor! Go to a pet store saying you are looking for a rodent or small and furry and you dont know which one you want and they will give you help or adopt at a shelter! If you get a hammie or a dwarf hammie or geril i would recomend this cage, or this jsp?productId=2752727 or this, or, , and if you get this you might want a second level so here, If you get that cage you will also need a wheel and bowl! , and a bottle, and a hut which you can buy or make out of a tissue box! If you get a chinchilla I recomend this, or this or this !!! If a guinea pig this, hope I helped!

  8. My mom has a guinea pig, they are more cuddly than rats and stuff and will just chill while you pet them, so that's cool.

  9. I have had rats and guinea pigs.

    Out of the two... I DEFINITELY preferred the guinea pigs. (watch out for the thumbs downs from the rat lovers lol!)

    My rats just hid from me and bit me all the time. I've never been bitten by a guinea pig.

    Here is my Youtube channel if you want to see my guinea pigs

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