
What role, if any, do you think we should play in preserving those regions threatened by human encroachment?

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What role, if any, do you think we should play in preserving those regions threatened by human encroachment?




  1. This is sort of the wrong question.  The idea of spaces free of humans is unique to Western scientific ideas.  People live everywhere and have affected environments long since.  When national parks and nature reserves are set aside there are nearly always native peoples who are displaced from their traditional homes.  Rather we should speak of regions to protect from capitalist encroachment and exploitation.  Again, this is a thorny issue because whatever we do, it is bound to be unacceptable to some group or other.  The real question is who we feel we can ignore.

  2. When I read your question my first thought was the Spanish invasion of So. America and all the knowledge which was lost by the destruction. Many natives were forced to Convert to Catholicism or die. Many of the Religious practices were lost. Then we get to the US. Some of the Native religious sites have either been destroyed, encroached upon are under the threat. Then, I was surfing TV,  just today, and I ran across this Religious Channel wanting to stamp out Voo Doo. From what I've learned about Voo Doo, it's a combination of Catholic and African religious practices and IS NOT just sticking pins in lil' dolls.

    In conclusion, and my simple answer is. NOTHING about mans history should be destroyed or even encroached on. All should be preserved.

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