
What role can the business community play in the legislative process?

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what role can the business community play in the process of law making in a democracy?




  1. Are you kidding???

    You've 'NEVER' heard of Lobbyists?

    Or that snappy tune Hillary's Campaign hums...

    "A buck or two and George Soros can control you"

    and even buy ... an entire election HELLO?

  2. By not manipulating/pandering to them in order to benefit large corporations that conflict with the interest of the general public.

    For example, the long standing relationship between legislators and the Tobacco Industry. Far too long have the Tobacco Industry had politicians in their back pocket. Only decades later did we have the collective will to pressure the representatives to finally stand up to them.

    We now have that same problem with the Pharmaceutical companies.

    However, if the business community wanted to affect change for the good of the general community, I would say champion the cause for small business development. Though there are many programs set up to help people seeking opportunities, there are still many roadblocks. Emphasis on assisted education and funding, without a person having to give up their current source of income is a necessity in ensuring success for a persons endeavors.

  3. Ever heard of agribusiness? You know, those businesses that are poisoning the food supply (e-coli recalls, lysteria, pieces of plastic or metal in the food, gmo corn, transfats). The are already making laws through their lobbyists. It isn't democracy and it isn't capitalism. Monsanto, Cargill, Tyson, National Pork Producers, NIAA...all in bed with USDA and making mandates that aren't even voted on by Congress yet are mandatory.

  4. Business whether small or large is no different than the individual  the only thing that separates the two is money and whether they put it where their mouth is.

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