
What role do gender and race play in politics today?

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Especially when you think of it in terms of how a "conservative" and a "liberal" define each term.

I'm not really looking for a definitive answer, but rather your opinion on the purpose gender and race serve in contemporary politics and society/America.




  1. This is how it plays out:

    If you don't like Obama, or vote republican, it's because you're racist.

    If you don't like Palin, you are an idiot. (kidding, it means you're sexist)

    This is how I determine who is liberal, and who is conservative, this has a 100% accuracy rating:

    If you have ever fondled yourself in front of young child, and didn't think aanthing of it, but did the same in front of a baby seal, but thought "jesus I'm one sick sonofabitch!", you are definately a liberal.

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