
What role does animal cruelty play in chain clothing stores like old navy?

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What role does animal cruelty play in chain clothing stores like old navy?




  1. Well, yes, you don't want to buy wool or silk. I've heard some pretty awful tings that they do to sheeps to get they wool.

    Like cutting off the skin by their tail when it gets the fungal growth and then cutting it off again until it nothing but scarry tissue.

    The other big issue with the stores like Old Navy is that they often produce clothes with thousands of poor frightened peoples in other countries far away from the bright store shelves.

    Shop at the Thrift Store. It sets us free from the manufacture chain whenever possible.

  2. Wool comes from sheep.  Shearing a sheep can be traumatizing, but sheep forget things really fast.  What do you call a sheep with half a brain?  Gifted!! LOL

    Also, silk comes from silk worms.  The sad part is that they boil the poor little guys to steal their silk.  And silk worms and kinda cute.

  3. I don't know about non-human animals, but I don't think the humans in Sri-lanka appreciate the slave-labour they're forced to endure to manufacture your Gap jeans.

    The Fischer family (they own Gap, Old Navy, Benneton) is responsibole for the clear-cutting of thousands of acres of ancient redwood forest, and I don't think the non-human animals who lived there appreciated that, either.

  4. probably not as big a role as the people cruelty that it takes to mass produce their cheap gear.

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