
What role does discipline play in the prison system and in society in general for Michel Foucault?

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What are some of the effects it as on people and what is the purpose?

And finally for discipline to take place is normalization or norms necessary? if so, who or what creates the norms?

sorry, English is not my first language.




  1. In Discipline and Punish, he clearly outlines the change of prisons over time.  Centuries ago in Europe, punishment was meant to hurt the body.  Now, punishment is meant to hurt the spirit or soul.  Think about the difference between drawing and quartering a person versus solitary confinement.  One is physically demanding (drawing and quartering), the other is emotionally demanding.  

    So think about what effects this could have.. are people now afraid of being physically hurt?  Or emotionally hurt?  Which is more painful?  

    Norms/Normalization is necessary-- we don't use a guillotine anymore because that's seen as improper.  Norms of what is appropriate punishment have shifted.

  2. Foucault died of an AIDS-related illness in Paris on June 25, 1984. He was the first high profile French personality who was reported to have AIDS. Little was known about the disease at the time and the event was mired in controversy. In the front-page article of Le Monde announcing his death, there was no mention of AIDS, although it was implied that he died from a massive infection. Prior to his death, Foucault had destroyed most of his manuscripts and in his will prohibited the publication of what he might have overlooked.

  3. yea, foucault just sounds g*y.

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