
What role does occupation and income play in a person's social status in Thailand?

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I read a book called "Culture Shock! Thailand" written many years before I was born but it mentions that in Thai culture social status is very important and a person's occupation and income plays a huge role in this. Is that true and the case for Thai society?




  1. Yes, it is very true in any countries especially in the third world nations like Thailand.

    I read something on Washington DC local news paper a few years ago. It claims 60% Capital Hill officials need some type of connections/networking to work there-very fews get to work in Capital Hill because of their talents. Well, when you look at certain jobs in the US such as CEO of big corporations, Wall Street, Capital Hill. Those jobs are still hang on the traditional IVY league graduates (overwhelming white-upper class) .

    Thailand is even worst. I just came up with a term "Back Door Policy" which means you know someone go back door and you will get ahead faster than the rest of us. When I was 19 years old. I had a nerve to apply for an internship at the Royal Thai Embassy and surprisingly gotten the position. It was total "culture shock" for me. I have asked by many consuls, how do you get to work in the embassy? Do you know someone here? (Of course, I was smart enough to shut up and don't tell anybody that my father is NOBODY). It was difficult for a small town girl to adjust to such a high society. It was a great experience though.

    Well, there are a few famous Thais who come from poor working class. Have you heard of Chuan Leekpai? He was a Prime Minister of Thailand. He was a small town man who attended Thai public school and university. He was living with monks in the Thai temple when he was a student.

    I am optimistic about life in Thailand. I think if we work hard and know how to play a few games we can make it.


    Can you answer my question about China:;...

  2. especially true in Thailand - many Asian countries are like this though.  The more money you make, the more important you are.  Falangs get a free boost- many Thais automatically think that you're rich because you have the ability to pay for a vacation in their country.

  3. yes, still very true.

  4. It's true in every society, only perhaps with exception of Badui (which is a close group in Indonesia southern part of Jakarta who do not communicate with any outside worlds: Their social status may be measured number of olive trees each household has).

  5. I think it's true in any country not just Thailand.  Try reading another book.

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