
What role does the dragonfly play in your religious or spiritual life?

by  |  earlier

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Just to be tedious, and technical, a dragonfly is a type of insect belonging to the order Odonata, the suborder Epiprocta or, in the strict sense, the infraorder Anisoptera.




  1. Well, they hunt down mosquitoes and as such I hold them in high regard. And they're pretty. That's it, really.

  2. none....this is Trinity relig here....THE REAL DEAL..

  3. predator?

  4. None whatsoever.

  5. a tasty snack

  6. none`

  7. Good luck, good things... one of my daughter in laws is symbolized by the dragonfly in my meditations.  My other daughter in law is a butterfly.  I am a wiccan witch.

  8. It lets me know that I am loved. My dad always sends dragonflies to me to remind me there is an afterlife and he is there.

    Before that, the dragonfly always represented my energy level. If it flew high in the air then I would have a day full of energy, low, then low energy.  

  9. They play no actual role in my spiritual life.  But I know that they are highly regarded as symbols of good in most Oriental cultures.  They are a symbol of good luck also.

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