
What role does the editor have to organisation in the newpaper?

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  1. There are many editors at a newspaper.  The title refers to the responsibility the person has as a manager and leader of journalists.

    The executive editor, or just plain "editor" is responsible to the publisher for all areas of journalism at the newspaper.  The editor also represents the newspaper to the public.  Advertising and circulation managers etc. handle other areas vital to running a newspaper.

    The managing editor runs the various journalistic departments at the newspaper and has probably a three- or six-month view of where operations are heading.  The ME also decides purchases of syndicated columns and technical equipment for the news departments.  All the other specialized editors usually report to the managing editor.

    The city editor or metro editor runs the newspaper's news-gathering on a daily basis.  All reporters involved in news and news feature reporting would come under the city editor, with the possible exceptions of specialized areas like science or business reporting, sports and arts, etc.

    Often a regional editor will work for the city editor and be responsible for the many bureaus staffed by reporters in other communities, the state capitol and Washington, D.C.

    There are also copy editors who actually edit articles, write headlines, and drink a lot of coffee.  At most newspapers, they are the only editors who actually do any editing.

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