
What role dose Ethenicity play in our thinking capacity? is it related.?

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What role dose Ethenicity play in our thinking capacity? is it related.?




  1. Ethenicity definitely has a role to play in our thinking capacity, since we share a common tradition, culture and practices which in turn are adaptation to ones surroundings.

  2. No, it isn't. I

    Place Martin Luther King Jr next to Jeffrey Dahmer and we can see the thinking is obviously the opposite.

    King thought life and Dahmer thought death.

    They both were given brains by their Creator.

    Einstein thought of E=MC2 and Jack the Ripper thought of mutilating and murdering prostitutes.

    All the American presidents were white but so where their assasins.

    Thinking is not related to anything but being human.

  3. A culture is a system of shared values.

    A society is a group of people who share a culture.

    Culture is not transmitted genetically.

    Race is a myth; it's a story that we tell ourselves to explain how things work.

    Gravity is a story.

    Two points, please.

  4. I don't know of any study looking into same and i'm no researcher myself, so this is only approximative postulating.

    It may be tempting to the racist to find out if intelligence or any other attribute be related to ethnicity,and likewise the very mention of such inherent differences may offend many a sane person opposed to racism.But it may well come out that there be some differences inherent amongst different ethnicities.Some peoples for example may have a better genetic blueprint to equip them with better thinking capacity(though our dislike of racism may not allow us to believe it).

    The ideal of human equality however noble it be,may not be exactly what nature intends.

    But what looks likely is that such predetermined biases do not exist and that thinking capacity or any such attribute are independent of ethnic origins.

  5. combined with all iving factors

  6. It actually doesn't seem to play any. No physiological evidence has been found that our thinking capacity (measured as IQ) is related to our ethnicity.

    The development of those skills, though, are related to nutrition, social environment and access to "education", and in that context people with disadvantages backgrounds (which usually have a correlation to ethnicity) may perform poorly when compared against people with better access to resources.

    It is very clear nowadays that ethnicity most of the time is pretty much a human excuse for bigotry. The real differences we assign to different ethnic groups are cultural and superficially physical, not by any means, deep.

  7. Ethnicity is not a variable related to the ability of thinking, or problem solving.  Most important is the availibiltiy of opportunity for diverse experience.  Tools necessary for the continued survival of any culture included the provision of food sources.  

    Understanding how to provide nutrition was  based on the availibilty of game. It also required   development of agronomy, increased numbers of the population, climate changes, and territorial conflict.

    So, each individual ethinicity and subsequent cultural developoment resulted from the conceptulization and consequent efforts which produced the best crops.

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