
What role/type could you see me playing (pics)

by  |  earlier

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-I am most interested in film

-I have a personality that's a little sarcastic, and stubborn (but not too sarcastic or stubborn where it is obnoxious or rude)

-my voice is an alto and is not high pitched but not manly deep just a little deeper

-I'm pretty athletic

-I dress preppy/ edgy depending on the day

-I am pretty skinny I guess around a size 2-4 ish

-I am best at drama, action, or sometimes character acting

based on that info what "types" would I best be suited for and what movies, tv or theater characters could you see me playing also what actresses could you maybe say my "type" is most like

please help me my coach asked me to find my 3 types and examples of my type so I can research scripts and count how many times I see the same types I am in movies tv and theater for practice



ps these aren't head shots by any means! i hate my head shots and am getting new ones this week




  1. Sorry your pictures aren't working

  2. alien girl

  3. hello! the whole point of acting is playing some1 ur not!

  4. you have pretty eyes. I think you resemble from those pics, the olson twins. You could pretty much follow their roles. Acting is about portaying someone your not, and if you are believable at playing a diva, down to a freak, then your looks could be altered. that's why their are make up artists and costume designers. The rest is solely on your talents.

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