
What role will Hillary play in the Obama campaign?

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Will she be the world highest paid cheerleader? I hear she has a few million in unpaid campaign debt.




  1. i dont think she is up 2 dat ok, she is kind of old donncha think i do like realli!!!!!!!!!!!! and i no dat 4 real


  3. i dont care how much she gets paid, whatever she can do to bring the hillary voters to Obama can really help him.  I think she had like a 23 million debt from what i remember.  

  4. Since when do cheerleaders wear pants suits to cover up their bulbous thighs and cankles.

  5. It appears she may get a honorable mention.

    I can't believe Hillary is cooperating. If she thinks Obama is not going to try for a second term in 2012, she is delusional. He isn't going to step aside and give her a opportunity.

    She is far to intelligent to fall for this. He must have promised her something else, but what.

  6. Hillary has been pushed aside, at the end of the primary Nancy Pelosi did everything she could to get as many super delegates as possible to go with Obama.

    Nancy Pelosi was the deciding factor

  7. It's SAD and PATHETIC that Hillary Clinton is helping Barack Hussein Obama out! Hillary was cheated out of her chance by the mainstream butt-kissing media! Only a simpleton would vote for Obama!

    IT WON'T HELP EITHER IF HILLARY CLINTON IS THE VP! It's too late. The VP has NO power! It's just a bench warming back -up position!

  8. according to the news, Obama has totally shunned the Clintons so I'm guessing she won't be cheering for team Obama!

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